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P1433 Big mouth
I have a very big mouth
I just go yapping crazy
I just want to talk about anything
Gyrate when it's a little sleazy
Quite unsure most of the time
What I'm riffing about
Something to do with power
Or about its nefarious clout
I do lack tact and that's a fact
But it's all an act you see
Understand it's deep everyone asleep
Somebody has to scream "bloody"
I love the indiscreet saber-rattling
The invidious sounds in my mouth as I speak
I feel possessed and important
Some say a sticky freak
Zap crackle and pop
I know how the sparks fly
Whatever is right is automatically wrong
Emperors always lie
I feel before I think
But no one really cares
The laity not bright to see the light
Limelight goes to "pubic hairs"
Democracy is just wishful thinking
Plenty of grandstands and boot
Bigots press their assholes
In people's mouth they poot
Trying to joggle people to their senses
Smoke and mirrors to talk about
Ought to know their warts more
Controversy often the only route
After the shizzy hits the fizzy
You'll all be dizzy my friend
Censorious crap raping my ass
Only darkness in the end
P1432 Vomit
I want to vomit up my turds
The asshole in a future bleak
Holy warriors love the holes of
The unprotected minority and meek
I've a luck of getting fucked in the ass
I always fall for it
People when they see a stupid
Hand out horrendous shit
Oy the cold dead made-up gods
Have some sympathy for my hole
These fanatic luddites are stark crazy
Fictions rule their misperceived soul
P1431 Octopus
I'd like to eat an octopus whole
But it gets stuck in my throat
This one has two limbs down my lungs
A feeling of nausea and bloat
Should have chopped the limbs off
And fried the bastard in a pan
Badly wanted to go Neolithic
Man from a prehistoric clan
Screw the gods of molluscs
I'll send human gods after them
The bigots sock with flabby cocks
Tenderize without salt or shame
The lighthearted and frail may collapse
This isn't yet full of gore
Did I tell what the gods
With their tentacles do before
They slide them in their assholes
Marinate with a massage of shit
Piss as a group in a porcelain bowl
Drown the mollusc god in it
Afterwards on low heat
They cook the delicate brain
The eyeballs are the best with rice
Tentacles with shit stain
P1430 Modern man
Modern man has a fancy toilet
He likes to shit a lot
Doesn't notice how much he eats
Stacks of storage he's got
It's all very well to shout
"Diet" to a gullible crowd
Behind their back there's snack
Calories behind a shroud
He's always in the shitter
But never really done shitting
An invisible turd taunts him always
Farts hurt his feeling
He thinks the farts would stain his pants
The guilt make him perspire
The smell would poison little children he fears
Light small trees on fire
Decides to sit until he runs out of paper
Chance has an infinitesimal part
Anytime now a dreaded piece of shit
Or that deadly residual fart
Time drags on as it always does
Little aches here and there
The asshole puckered the whole time
Retracts into a buddhist sphere
The modern man wipes furiously
As if in a histrionic swoon
Makes sure he fingers the hole
Whistling a melancholy tune
He stands up with paper in a chain
And suddenly a turd slithers out
The hallowed gods of all religions
Bring themselves to a pout
The stink is awful, deep and dark
Precursor to a lifelong scar
The modern man must now sit down
And continue the endless war
P1428 Piece of Shit
Generally known as a piece of shit
I've nothing to really hide
Hairs sticking out in style
Bubbles of fart inside
I mean I stink up a place
But not a bad character to boot
I decompose easily into
Harmless garden soot
Plus I'm quite a quiet guy
Don't scream even in shreds
A world I know this ill defined
Bound to have few bad heads
Don't have a clue?
It's me you pick from your ass
When someone says "no shit"
Realize the power that someone has
I could go on there's a lot
You don't know about me
As an example "Beat the shit out"
Is warning to be noticed you see
I can be diagnostic
Tell a story about you
You may not like me much
I know everything you do
Feces are great folks
You're always full of it
Don't get me started
On what else you do with shit
You like it for instance
When I hit the fan
Everyone has a turd to chew
Makes for a stronger man
I become liquid sometimes
The gas can sometimes kill
The whole point of changing state
Is to add a sense of thrill
You don't have to be so darn sensitive
Everyone has to poop
If they don't in a thought experiment
They'll burst and spill the goop
I'm not saying you'll explode
But that a regular guy better shit
Don't even hold back your fart
You'll have a mental fit
Things are infinitely shitty
Layers in it shittier still
Open your eyes wide and see
You're just a tube I kindly fill
P1427 School boy
I hate school
It's not for a modern kid
Full of old fashioned ideas
House with a huge lid
It's all very anachronistic
The ways in which they teach
They ought to first mend their means
Believe what they preach
Salaried chairs with chalks
Stationary they need is a wise mind
How you think and the "why"
Is the sight you give the blind
Another day, full of rote
A bag that weighs several bricks
I wish I could grow faster
Hit them with their own sticks
Many pages to read many sums to do
The outside is a stress free stroll
But I'll be doing my homework couped up
Unfair the world as a whole
P1426 Sucker
I'm a sucker tried and true
Crooks snatched my dough
Underwear from under my pants
I didn't even know!
People told me they didn't lie
I trusted them with money
My naivete is hilarious
Even my shit thinks it's funny
Well it's just that I'm a little dim
Never had the wits about me
If a person believes his thoughts are real
There's none more foolish than he
I had only two balls
but I thought I had four
My imagination gave me capes
Trying to fly - fully bruised and sore
I've gotten dimmer over the years
And luxuriously paranoid
Endless worries come chasing after me
Always this need to void
Stupid is what stupid does
In this case a shitty mess
I can't hold a fart too long
Gives me a lot of stress
Suckers don't get nine tries like cats
I've fucked near half already
Don't know where the turd went
Pushing poop makes me steady
To be honest I sorta like shit
It reminds me of me
A fucked up digested disgusting dollop
Absolutely devoid of glee
Basically a moron you could say
The likeness of a lugubrious log
Floating on a moving meniscus
In a vomit inducing fog
Poetry comes to the prairie dogs
Push push and there it is
It's HUGE no wonder it took its time
A happy subterfuge
Wake up from the dogmatic daze
Unclench the asshole to be wise
Once the turds toddle and slither out
Bubbles of sparkling joy rise
It's just a poop ride I tell myself
Whenever I'm in a comparative slump
Doesn't matter how miserable your life
It's the poop that must be plump
But that's not the case tonight
Mostly just gas and silly sucker snot
Fuck everyone and Maya
Don't think her poop's all that hot
Not a stickler for protocol
I rarely wipe my hole
A raving recluse out of his mind
No longer the gregarious soul
Life is really short
A few poop trips if you can count
Jolly the Joe post a meal
Whose pressure will surely mount
P1423 রিটায়ার্ড মা কালী
আমি রিটায়ার্ড মা কালী
কোন কাজ নেই পুরো খালি
শিবটা বহুদিন আগে তুলেছে পটল
জিভ দিয়ে পড়ছে নাকের ঝোল
নরবলি চাইনা বাপু
মানুষের মধ্যে ভেজালই বেশি
পাঠাও হজম করতে পারিনা
শুকিয়ে গেছি আমি এলোকেশী
আর বলিস না বাছা
প্রায় অন্ধ রুদ্র চক্ষু
মাঝখানেরটায় প্লাস পাওয়ার
ফোকলা দাঁতে আটকায় ইক্ষু
জয় মা কালী পার্লারে প্লাক করেছি ভুরু
খরগটাতে জং ধরেছে টিটেনাস শুরু
ধর্মভীরু গুন্ডা বাবা হাত নয় তার বাঘের থাবা
ভক্তিভরে পচা কলা দিয়ে যায় ভোজ
তাই খেয়ে আমাশয় ভুগছি আমি রোজ
চুলটা বয়েজ কাট করে ভালই করেছি
উকুনের জ্বালায় নাভিশ্বাস
খুলি গুলোও খুলে রেখেছি
ধেড়ে ইঁদুরের বাস
গন্ডা গন্ডা ভন্ড লোক বড় বড় ঢোল
কোটি লোকের পিছন মেরে কে করবে গোল
মন্ত্রীমশাই ডাকাত সন্ত্রী মশাই চোর
সত্যি কথা বললে বলে করবেন না বোর
রামকৃষ্ণটা বেঁচে থাকলে মেলা দুঃখ পেত
চামচ চামচ মিল্ক পাউডার চেটে চেটে খেত
বিবেকানন্দ নিরানন্দ পারত না সইতে
জিলেটের ব্লেড দিয়ে কেটে দিত পৈতে
ত্রিশূলটা কে ঝেঁপে দিয়েছে
করছি ওটার খোঁজ
সকালবেলা নর্দমার ধারে
খুঁজতে যাই রোজ
খেতে পাই না আজকাল
শাপ শাপান্তর কলিযুগে নাকি "বাল"
এই যুগে ভগবানদের বড্ড ভয়
বুকে ধুঁকু পুকু কখন যে কি হয়
P1419 My dick
Oh my dick's a darling
It hangs perfectly loose
Unattached to the worries I hold
Delivers the happy juice
And urine as well
I can't forget that
An organ of dutiful passion
And that's a solid fact
The scrotal sac isn't gaudy
But it knows its temperature well
Mostly loose because I'm hot
On cold a spherical gel
I've to admit though
The apparatus is kinda old
It needs more than a woman
To grow stiff and bold
I mean not a big inconvenience
You just pop the damn pill
You must not overdose on it
Or you drive it over the hill
Ever ready as a teen
I pulled it a lot I admit
In the age of chivalrous mischief
Never let me down a bit
Afterwards money gave me wood
Now nothing really does
The dude hangs with his balls
Alone in the dark forest fuzz
With expectations modified
I let big daddy just be
If anyone deserves his retirement
It damn as well is he
P1415 Mad Queen
I'm going to kill the king
He's flirting with the servant girls
How dare he donate my diamond dildos
And all my anal pearls!
The kingdom is ruined
The characters of cracked spine
I'll most definitely start by cutting his balls
And everything will be fine and mine
I will force an anal night out
King not-so-bright overnight
I have blades in my rectum walls
I'll clench my asshole tight
After that I'll use my axe
In little pieces cut the stupid-ass king
I have a fridge to store my meals
Leftovers of my last offspring
I must be actively fierce
After I axe my ex
I'll prepare my pink holes
For the great tyrannosaurus rex
Then I'll hire the best rapists to rule
They'll get to fuck me as well
Oh the torture they'll fling
Makes my core quiver and swell
Bloody battles I'll start
All over the bloody place
Line up the innocent and honest
Afford them a roomy furnace
I like the organs cooked medium rare
Wrapped in their crunchy skin
If I discover a favorite in the taste
I order next their kith and kin
From their absence will breed the worst
Most of the world will grow teeth
In my best days I'll slaughter the meek
A stove-hot sword in my sheath
I'll make the Rubicon the new drain
You'll cross it on your way
Every day will be a thirteen
All days only Friday
There will be omnipotence
Web of infinite prejudice and uproar
Bravery the new cowardice
In the reign of the greatest whore
If you are born a girl and pretty
You'll wish you were not born in my rule
The only work that you'll ever get
"With your tongue clean my stool"
I will reign supreme until I die
Then people will spit on my name
I will live in nightmares after death
In the horrible future hall of fame
I have to kill everyone now
No one should outlive me
O the demons with large dicks
Can't you drown this crowd in sea?
I'll pay you back in fucks
I'll do whatever you tell me to do
I just want to see this round rock
Pummeled into a silly stew
P1412 Thoughts
He sits on the potty and thinks his thoughts
Where this life is generally bound
Once upon a time he knew who he was
But now that guy can't be found
Fortunate he never was
Not all roads lead to a Musk
Hard honest work often a sisyphean show
What remains is a desiccated husk
He's dead as far as memories go
The maze let him play hide and seek
His dice was weighed down with dirt
Uncomfortable words to speak
A fractured attention span
He had flit from thought to thought
Between the wall and hard rock
He succumbed to the utter nought
The irony of times eyes with brine
The stabs blood and gore
Friends and family foes at heart
Left him dying on the floor
Liars liars they were everywhere
Not one person he could trust
Society of parasites without shame
Human values turned to dust
Naked and vulnerable he remembers
Alone in the shitter his mind sweats
The foreboding of age is clear
All directions are of equal threat
Despise the past, the present in its shadow
What future can come out of that?
For a mind turned inward always
Happiness is an onerous act
What does he have left to lose
Life is already shit he thinks
Let the breathing stop when it will
This shit already stinks
The colors of the present bleached
The mind turbulent and mad
As the feces circle the hole
He becomes a little glad
Life goes on one dump at a time
Many people to strip the rind
There's all the time to lose
For an insignificant useless mind
He's old depressed and mad
Infirm in every way
Every door was slammed on him
No need for him to stay
The darkness falls around the world
As darkness never had
Without hope there's nothing left
A dying rot can't get bad
Canceled man with canceled dreams
Really isn't much there to say
On his forgotten ashes after dawn
There will be an ordinary day
P1408 Fingering
This is my finger lean and long
Intend to insert it into your bum
Need to take your temperature now
The thermometer is in your mum
Won't be long but don't hold your breath
I'll wriggle it around a bit to fit
You can fart if you want or shit
I carry a cleaning kit
Now hold steady here I come
What's that - "it's a little tight"
Of course it is, my darling child
Sickness always a sorry plight
In and out in and out
I completely forgot the grease
Will you mind if I increase the girth
And add another piece?
This one isn't that long
Maybe a little thicker and hairy
It's more accurate and gets you high
The milk is better than dairy
Feels good old lad feels good
You've milked the last drop from me
How I wonder what you are
I've gaped you big I see
I'll post your pictures next
You'll make me proud and rich
Tell your mum you don't have fever
Hurry back for a bleeding stitch
P1405 Toot my trumpet
I toot my trumpet all the time
That's how you market yourself hot
A hidden speaker makes it loud
Always pretend what you're not
That's really what your lips should yap
A flurry of daring drivel
It doesn't matter what lie or how
Smoke and mirrors and artful chisel
It's the outside that matters
Make sure the cosmetics stay on
At least until you fleece them bare
Until the game is clearly won
The body language must be immaculate
Must not overdose them with the act
Appear variegated but carefully so
Curate deception into fact
Talk about truth in circular definitions
Chew the chatter into a paste
Smile and agree nodding all the way
Tune the timing to your taste
Bare your teeth with a pleasant theme
Never a rancid grin
Stoop as low as gravity allows
Flattery is a curious thing
What mountain is higher than ego
Higher still when yours sink
Spoon feed what they want to hear
Praise until it really stinks
Babble bullshit in strident tones
That's what fetches the premium price
Draw attention to things you never did
Claim world hunger in a frivolous trice
Once the matter is in your hand
Who cares what anybody thinks
Keep the trumpet at all times
Never know what a toot can bring
P1404 Drink and Piss
As a member of club sapiens
I'm the worst one you can find
Glued to couch a side of my ass
A completely useless mind
Drink and piss eat and shit
That's all I can ever do
Dim damp deceptive brain fog
Harried over paltry clues
Plus my shit stinks up the flats
I fear the neighbors can smell it too
Strangely though my farts are sweet
I invite you to my loo
I understand your discomfort
Want your turds to always float
Dogmatic thrust hard feces first
Forever god's goodly goat
Gods don't have assholes you think?
If they piss it's just rain?
Their stool you reason are fools like me
That cause all the mortal pain?
A causal salad just like anyone else
An oddity, shitty and witty I think
The sulphurous fumes from me at times
Silly solipsistic stink
I'm only a tube for food
Sorry can't make it sound grand
Burgers to shit, beer to piss
Nothing I can do with my hand
I'm full of shit twenty four seven
Defecation is what I do best
I savor the feel of the loose and limp
Scarcely do I shit in haste
Plus my teeth is crooked bones weak
Don't know what else I could be
I'm just a waste of space and time
It's my holes that define me
Unremarkable puckered brown asshole
And a penis that's sexually weak
Not star material for porn for sure
Just a a general household freak
Surrounded by pointless people
Pointless your shit to hide
Bloated belly endless hot gas
My ass cheeks are sticky inside
Worms belching a satisfying burp
I make sure they get the food they need
It's them and me that's all I see
Sometimes I spill my seed
This life is spent I grind my teeth
Making the frothy circles in the pit
But just yesterday I forgot to flush
A plant grew from my shit
P1400 Dick head
Eye like a beacon glaring
I'm a dick head plainly straight
Mustache long and cared for
Someone you'd surely hate
Not for any particular reason
Or because my head fits in a cunt
No one special, ordinary whores
You'd not really want
But just that thought of advantage
Makes your jealous nerves fray
I go where no man went before
And I go there every day
It's pink and soft and wet
I get very very very deep
I'll wish you luck, next birth
Bro, don't you lose your sleep
Wild with joy sometimes
They want me to fuck their ass
With my head buried deep inside
Never let the opportunity pass
Matters where you overthink
I plunge headlong
Doesn't matter what you can't do
What matters is your schlong
A good life I tell you I have
Not surprised you're all green
Trust me when I tell you
Not having a brain is a dream
P1398 Disease detector
Oh proud prince piss on this poor
I'll be your toilet of the day
An urinal that recites poetry
When you emit your yellow ray
Oh son of the sun god that you must be
To stand so tall and firm
I have a habit of gurgling the urine
Or before I gulp your cum
I can tell you all the royal ailments
That you must have acquired in your reign
My tongue and nose foretells cancer
These diagnostics you freely gain
And much much more that your kidney wants to tell you
The words it never found how to speak
Will come from my ruddy lips true
You just take a bloody leak
Invite all your friends
More piss, more more more
I cook cocktails from the leftover
I'm your best piss drinking whore
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