Go this way, or go that way,
The book says in two ways both.
Maybe go to the next inimical page,
But I can't talk logically on oath.
Basically suit yourself every which way,
Is the message between the lines.
Pick and choose, bookmark the ruse,
A man is the shit he defines.
The idea is to hate, conflate with fate,
And fuck each other over self-righteous frill.
A condescending tone, in a deep baritone,
Speak the unspeakable or simply kill.
Brainwash the fucks, in large dump trucks,
Let them live in the middle fucking age.
Riddle their life with superstitious strife,
Wrap wounds with holy bandage.
Waive your hand, make it hard to understand,
Nod vigorously affirmative, but say no.
Hocus pocus works, butts prone to twerks,
Hide real knowledge like a scarecrow.
Spit on those, that talk in prose,
Emphasize on circular linking.
Spew wham bam fuck you scams,
Before the fools can start thinking.
If in doubt, shit into their mouth,
Remember it's a zero sum game.
Be an alarmist, declare an apocalypse,
Quickly release your bladder on them. â—‡
Be a parasite, your bite full of spite,
And make sure they're never dead.
It's good halfway or in most cases,
Just keep fucking with their head.
Old hags are gold, fraud through god,
The two paired work wonders trust me.
Just be really flexible with ambiguities,
You'll get your cock sucked for free.
In the delusion of privilege, the ledge,
Is where you want them to be hanging.
Always corner them in a fabric of lies,
Where you place a noose dangling.
Holy harangues to harass the poor,
Inform it's a defect of retrospective life.
Tell them specifically how much they pay,
To be spared of the prospective knife.
Read their palms, release locust swarms,
Oversell the barnum bullshit with stones.
Give super fancy names to the spirits,
Or talk directly to discarded morgue bones.
The more pointless the fare, easier to snare,
Complicated subjects scare the mass.
Once in trance, make them dance,
On hot coal and broken cutlery glass.
Be stern and fierce, spank their rears,
Remember you represent a crusty old man.
Hold a perennial grudge, truth always fudge,
Make sure they're on a dry frying pan.
The exertions and noise, the crowds poise,
Does the rest for the gullible creed.
Now you can sell, boltzmann brain with bell,
And overcharge their accounts to a bleed.
The less they know, the richer you grow,
One day you dream of a house on the cloud.
The people are dirt, you bless with dirty fart,
Grandiose poots are religiously loud.
Battles are a must, men and balls rust,
They wear pink frocks and dance.
Declare holy war, on a land not too far,
Never show mercy or take a chance.
Craft a famine, if you know what I mean,
Let the poor die a deserved demise.
Horny poverty porn, of skeletal babies scorned,
After dinner you watch TV to enjoy the cries.
From god of gaps to that of anus gapes,
A world so wonderful to conceive.
You just con, lie and pretend shit,
All they do is pray and believe.
â—‡ Charaka Samhita describes the use of urine for various therapeutic purposes, including the treatment of skin conditions, digestive disorders, and other health problems. For example, it recommends the use of fresh urine as a gargle for the treatment of oral and throat infections and as a wash for the treatment of skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. It also describes the use of urine as a purgative and as a treatment for digestive disorders such as constipation.
Shushruta Samhita also describes the use of urine for medicinal purposes, including the use of fresh urine as a cleaning agent for wounds and as a rinse for the treatment of eye disorders. It also recommends the use of urine for the treatment of conditions such as leprosy and certain types of skin diseases.
Similarly, in ancient Babylon, urine was used as a diagnostic tool, and it was also used to treat various skin conditions and other ailments. The Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical texts from ancient Egypt, also mentions the use of feces to treat skin conditions and other ailments.
Feces were also used for medical purposes in Victorian times, especially for the treatment of skin conditions. In some cases, feces were applied directly to the skin, and in others, they were used to make ointments and other topical preparations.