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P2347 I'm tired but I can't sleep.

I am in a world where things are not as they seem. The old fashioned values that once held society together, like integrity and honesty, are now replaced by the desire for temporary and fast wealth that bring no lasting gain. The facade of two-minutes of spotlight prosperity and success has blinded people to the fact that the foundation upon which they stand is nothing but a decaying structure that threatens to crumble at any moment, taking their dreams down with them, spotlight and all.

The hope that once guided people has frittered away, replaced by a decade of self-serving interests and cruelty. The unreasonableness and injustice that pervades society has woken me up to the harsh reality of the world we live in. People are no longer guided by hope and dreams, but by their own selfish desires and the fear of not having enough.

It is an uneasy feeling, to see people so content in their ignorance. They refuse to acknowledge the dangers that loom, choosing instead to keep their heads buried in the sand. They have convinced themselves that if they do not think about the problems that face them, then they do not truly exist. It's convenient, but not true. Reality is harsh. 

But I cannot accept this way of thinking. To me, ignoring the reality of the situation is also a sort of cowardice, a giving up. It is like standing on a wooden bridge that has been eaten away by rot and termites, and pretending that it is still sturdy enough to support you. The very structure that people depend on is nothing but a comforting mirage, and one day it will come crashing down, taking with it all their false hopes and dreams. Religion and most of the other tribal fictions that have been handed down come to mind. 

It is disheartening to see how outdated concepts and unexamined assumptions continue to hold sway over people's minds. The success stories that are touted as the epitome of success are rooted more in folkloric belief systems than anything real. People are so consumed by the desire to be like those they admire that they have lost sight of what truly matters. The result is a society that is devoid of compassion, where people are willing to trample over each other in order to get ahead.

I cannot help but think of how the world has changed. Once, people valued hard work, dedication and the pursuit of knowledge, but now it seems as though these things are no longer important. The masses are consumed by this artificial compulsion to fit in, to conform to societal norms, to be like everyone else. Individuality is discouraged, and creativity is stifled. The result is a society of people who are all the same, who all think the same, who all act the same, mindless precursors of the robotic future to come. A homogeneous breed of pathetic heads buried in their phones living vicariously off of someone else's life.

This lack of diversity is dangerous, and not in any small way. It means that there are no dissenting voices, no dissenting opinions. It means that there is no room for innovation, for progress, for change. People are stuck in a rut, going through the motions day after day, without any real purpose. It is as if they are sleepwalking through life, not really living, but simply existing. It's like we're sliding back into the dark ages again, except this time with a fat book of jargon we are proud of as emblematic of our achievements of what keeps us from really understanding the meaning of things.

It is a sad state of affairs, but it is not too late to change things. The masses may be content with their ignorance, but there are still those who understand the importance of clarity or substance. There are still those who value individuality, creativity and progress. These people can be the spark that ignites the change that the world so desperately needs. But they are few. Usually underprivileged, ostracized and probably mad, like me. 

We really need to break away from the status quo, to question what we are told, to challenge the assumptions that have been handed down to us. We need to be balls enough to stand up for what we believe in, even if that means going against the tide. We need to be the ones who rebuild the foundation, to lay down the stones that will make it strong, to build a structure that will withstand the test of time.

We cannot do this alone, however, it's a plural job. We need to band together, to support each other, to work together towards a common goal. We need to be the change that we wish to see in the world. We need to be the ones who bring light to the darkness, who bring hope to the hopeless. Homo sapiens is homo nothing if you take away the plurality. 

I am in a strange place now, but I know that I am not alone. There are others out there who share my beliefs, who share my values. Together, we can bring about the change that the world so desperately needs. We can be the ones who build a new foundation, who lay down the stones that will make it strong. We can be the ones who make a difference. Just a rant I guess, but needed to get it out of my system. 

I'm tired but I can't sleep. 

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