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P2331 Stumbling in the desert

I keep stumbling in the desert, 
And the sun is shining strong. 
The mirage of a miracle was,
An expectation gone wrong. 

Another trip, another sip from,
That cup of experience I drink.
It is wild out here, mad and sad,
Unable for the stable I think. 

The world has shrunk, my dreams too,
My emotions are curled into a wreck. 
Where on earth am I today,
Or where is this place called heck.

But this arabian night was light,
The days were night too.
The hours at masafi the tea shop,
Was where my dreams came true.

Happy thoughts at a corner seat,
Rolling the reels in my mind.
The happy cheer of the living, 
Was what I wanted to really find.

I can't please the part, or the whole,
The whole is not always in the part.
My destiny is to meet the wrong people, 
And always keep hitting restart.

Here I am again, penniless and in pain,
There's the wall tall and hard.
I guess honesty is old fashioned, 
And I am a silly and sorry discard. 

The wear and tear, the sheer, 
Repetitive ordinary isn't a life.
I know I'm not going to find a ready home,
A destination without murderous strife.

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