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P1377 "I'm a fat girl!"

I shit a lot
Or should I call it "shat"
People say I'm skinny 
I think I see me fat

I've always felt a little chubby 
A fat and stupid gal
But the doctor thinks I'm a disease 
He tells me I'm mental 

But sooner or later
Guys will wanna fuck
If you're a fat momma face
Your lucks gonna suck 

Well let's see
I'll weigh the poop today
Only if it's more than my weight 
Eat something light, I may


P1375 Snot

I espouse eating snot
It's got the protein, sugar and vit
I quite like the tangy taste 
It's got gold, your nasal pit

Of course you don't need a shovel 
With your finger digging is a breeze 
If the material is fluid 
I hold one nostril and force a sneeze 

I know socially it's a no-no
But why not when no one's looking 
My tongue knows how to twist 
When a snot is in the offing

I specially like the chewy part
Sometimes you have crunchy grains 
Those are just dust you've filtered 
Nothing to tax your brains 

Look it's my own snot I eat
It's not a crime if you ask a cop
Plus it isn't anything really gross 
It's just a seasonal crop

The snot factory is on overdrive 
Sweet the season of flu
I personally vote in favor of snot
You my darling should do it too

No I'm serious
You have to give it a shot
If you don't like it at all, I promise 
I'll eat your shit when it's still quite hot

Or your piss
I really don't mind
I have to make people think
Give sight to the blind 



P1371 Marital Ad

Hey random miss
Will you dance a jig
I'm brave, hairy and sort of smelly 
Balls a little big

No I'm not inflexible at all
Females have rights, I think 
But I hold the right to recant 
When I've had a stiff drink

Don't worry I won't hit you hard
Bruises can do you good 
I like the screaming a lot
Romantic under the hood

A wife is nothing of consequence 
Without a husband you see
On your knees must devote your life
For my endless glee

Know your intensity 
You're a shimmer, I a beacon
Know your worth 
I'm a meal, you a bon bon

Meals I don't cook, that I admit 
Or any of the household chore
That's your job miss don't forget 
Otherwise you're a whore

You fetch water up a hill
Then you spread your lanky leg
The exercise I see keeps you fit 
While I enjoy a wrecking peg

When I die I'll leave you the wallet 
It may be dry by then
From the dead in your bed
I'll remind you - men are always men


P1365 অক্টোপাসের ভাই

আমি অক্টোপাসের ভাই 
বল তোমার কি চাই 
আমার ক্ষমতা অসীম 
পেটে অসংখ্য ডিম 

ঘোড়ার ডিম না এগুলো সোনার
আমি পেরেছি কাল রাতে
একটা খেলে রাজা হয়ে যায় 
খেতে হয় শেষ পাতে 

তুমি এসো দেখাবো আমি 
চাইলে দিতে পারি 
গোল মুখে ভর্তি হাসি 
ফোকলা দাঁতের সারি

গোল বাচ্চা বড়ই ভালো 
ওদের দেখে আমি ভালো থাকি
আসবে নাকি ডিম দেখতে 
একটা তোমার জন্য রাখি 


P1363 তোকেই খাব

খাব রে খাব তোকেই খাব 
হা করেছি কি এমনি 
তবে এটা হাইও পারে হতে 
ঘুম পেয়েছে যেমনি

আরে পাবেনা ঘুম মানুষ খেলে
এটার ছিল মস্ত বড় ভুঁড়ি 
ভুঁড়ির মধ্যে চর্বি ভালো 
মেখে খেলাম মুড়ি

রাখবো তোকে আপন করে
তুই কি আমার পর 
তোর মাংসে বিরিয়ানি করে
বেচব দুনিয়া ভর 

আসলে খেতে আমাকে হবে
ডিম হয়েছে পেটে
বিয়ে করলেই সমস্যা এই 
বাচ্চা হয় সেটে


P1362 Pissing away...

There are wishful thoughts many
A lilliput with a tall hat
A man in a slouch, slow, lazy, hazy
Cart gilded before a clueless rat

Shiny appearance appeals to him
The outside always in his thought 
Penny wise where it doesn't shine 
Pounds for the pretty a lot

He doesn't pay where he ought 
Value he doesn't comprehend 
Delusions of lies fog his eyes 
Greed he makes his friend 

Or in a super confident streak 
His ambition with a drink embark
Fueled by imaginary riches
All talk and bullish bark

The talkative loafers around 
Prattle and  praise on and on
Alcohol lifts the egos 
Weed drivel race till dawn

After the drugs wear off
The silliness congeals into a thought 
At noon the man with a groggy dread
Wakes up in his ordinary cot

Then another trip another dream
He finds another quick-rich scheme 
The peddlers of common deceit
Keep repeating his angst to him

Opportunities don't wait 
They are few and far between 
He cannot tell a gem from glass
He lost the entire scene

In a world where you run to stand 
This man finds himself lost
The truth is hard but it's the truth 
Most of life is sunk cost

The cycles of the sun go on
In the end,  the man laments
Time ran out he did not act
He did not make a dent

Few people are worth the time 
Inactions write your story not
This today pissing away
Memento mori is all you've got





P1355 Anubis Pissed

Die king die, king of Nile
I the god Anubis speak 
When your dick's shriveled 
Inbred's are specially weak

You hideous selfish king
Your phallus will be soot
And on the ruins of your ribs 
My jackals will poot

Mother fucking Pharoah 
I'll bomb your ass tonight 
Illiterate son of a bitch, to smithereens 
Your geometrical insight 

Insight my ass
Just some fucking trig
It's only the stupid-ass fools that think
You're kinda big

Stupid fucking pyramids 
To stick some dead bitch in
How would you like my fist Pharoah 
Through your rosebud ring

One grenade for your asshole 
Several for your pyramid 
The whores and twats I keep 
And all the slaves you hid

I too like slaves with skin thick 
Have not I ever used an innuendo 
And your lusts go to Anubis 
I build the house of ho

You're the bloodsucking weasel 
That steals the commoner's rice
The prayers pressed me to act
You're history in a trice

The jackals are on their way
You know they like charred flesh 
If you're not already dead 
They'll kill you anew, afresh 

God of the dead speaks 
And I'm supremely pissed 
Curse starts right about now 
And you won't ever be missed 


P1353 মরে গিয়ে

মরে গিয়ে ভালো ভূত হব না আমি
যারা আমাকে কষ্ট দিলো এজীবনে 
তাদের ঘাড় মটকে রক্ত চুষে খাব
শহর-গ্রাম নদী ও বনে

পেত্নীর সঙ্গে প্রেম করব 
হিংসে করোনা
হাসলে পরে ঘুরিয়ে দেবো 
তোমার মুখের হা 

ভুলেও ভুলবোনা আমি কে
আত্মবিস্মৃতি পাপ 
ছ্যাবলা গুলোর সময় হয়ে এসেছে শেষ 
ছাড়বো আমি সাপ 

তাদের পিছনে পিছনে ঘুরে অন্ধকারে
নানান ওয়াজ করে সামনে এসে
আবার হঠাৎই মিলিয়ে যাব
অট্টহাসিতে ভেসে 

শালারা চেনেনা আমায় জানেনা আমি কে 
লিস্ট বানাচ্ছি মস্ত লম্বা 
মট মট মট মট করে ভাঙবো ঘাড় 
পলাইয়া কোথা যাবা 

প্রয়োজনে নাড়িভুঁড়ি ও খেতে পারি
রক্তের ভক্ত হব আমি 
মোটকথা ভালো হবেনা সে মোলাকাত 
খাবোনা আমি হামি 

করবো হাগু করবো মুতু
তাও আবার মুখে 
বমিও খেতে হতে পারে 
গালাগালির খেপে খেপে

রাম নামে কিছু হবে না আমার
নিশ্চয়ই আরও ক্ষেপে যাবো 
তেড়ে-ফুঁড়ে ছিন্নভিন্ন করে 
ম্যাগি নুডুলস এর সঙ্গে খাব 

P1352 Kick

Fuckity fuckity flick 
I practice my kicks
Fling my underwear in the air
I'm known for party tricks 

The world's going to end
I can't count there are so many ways
I wish I could push things along
Exact the "mights" and the "mays"

Climate change needs your help
You can bomb the poles
Get rid of pesky islands and coasts
The bastards and assholes 

Some extra bombs to spare 
Ignite the Yellowstone caldera 
That would split the fucks in half
And end the American era

Want to get the whites dead
Blow some CFC in the air
The ozone hole gone
Nobody would want to be fair

Want more fights
Figure out what pisses off the religious 
The cheapest way if you want
And the least bit of fuss

Poison their prayers 
So that they point their ass to the sky
A meteorite will find its way
Blow their ass high 

I'm tired of living with people 
Full of pretense and hard stool
I want to shit on someone's head
Always wanted to be cool 

Fucking assholes everywhere 
I'm not mealy-mouthed about it
Must open your mouth wide
Need to take a shit

Sometimes it's soft and sweet
Just like a bengali rosogolla large 
Or it could be hard as a rock
That could sink an entire barge

Or it could be quite flexible 
Strings you could knit in your mouth 
Like dosa that stick between your teeth
No matter how far you go south 

Or if you like a cocktail drink 
Try my special diarrhea stack
One gulp and you'll reach your stars
And never want to come back

I know how to shit
It's really up to you sweetest dear
Just open your mouth wide
I'll make it crystal clear

P1350 ভয়ঙ্কর কতগুলো মুখ

মনের কতগুলো গভীর ক্ষত 

রক্ত অবিশ্রান্ত ঝরে 

ভুলে থাকার অভিনয়ের শেষে 

ঠিক মনে যে তোমাকেই পরে 

চিনতেই পারিনা আমি আর নিজেকে 

প্রায় ভুলতেই বসেছি আমি কে 

নিশ্ছিদ্র শূন্যতায় হারিয়ে গেছি 

ফিরে পাবোনা পুরনো নিজেকে 

ভেতরে কত ঝড় কত পাগলামি 

আহত পাহাড় মন খারাপের জন্য 

আকাশ যেখানে চিরদিন কালো থাকে 

তার সূর্যে আসেনা যে কোন আলো

বেঁচে বোধহয় আছি এখনো 

কিন্তু মৃত ধরে নিতে পারো 

চোরাবালিতে পুতে দিয়ে গেছে যারা 

চাও তো তাদের  চিনতে পারো 

মন খারাপের নদীর রক্তস্রোত 

কালো আকাশে নীল মেঘের দুঃস্বপ্ন 

ভয়ঙ্কর কতগুলো মুখ চিনি না এদের 

দেখিনি আগে কখনো 

P1349 Sweltering

The sweltering heat is fucking my ass
Beads of sweat flit 
I don't know which god to pray 
Or whose throat I want to slit 

The cities are running out of coal
No electricity means sheer torture 
The temperature has reached the forties 
No electricity and no water 

They call it the summer loo
I call it the dissipating breath 
It desiccates what life you have
Bestows an early death 

India is a developing country 
It'll take an infinite time
While the leaders ass rape the system 
What they do will never rhyme

The leaders have dared to dream 
Mystic landfill called India
Where their turds dot the landscape 
Scenic geysers of diarrhea 

No long term plans, no sanity at all
Their assholes red and puckering 
Silly myths and fictions coat 
And underline the shit they fling

Hollow heads with shallow minds
Lap it up and want more
It's difficult to get into the science 
Hindu Muslim debates and gore

Embittered my bruised brain fumes in the heat
Amidst the cacophony of the croaking vain
I dissent the drivel that drives the fools
To their death in a sewer drain

"It's a solution, a self reliant one"
The proud piper sings
"The sewer is connected and cool
Drink the water it brings"

They'll keep at the ritual crimes
And pass the intent around 
If the fools wake up and rebel
A bulldozer flattens them to the ground

Unless you're morally bankrupt 
And until you learn how to snatch and kill
The beads of sweat and despicable life
Are here to stay and will

If I should boil to hell
Sell my flesh for free
For if you don't the gods will
Piss in your darjeeling tea

No I'm serious they will 
They just don't have anything else to do
Perfectly capable of sabotage 
If you don't cook my meat in stew

Yes I've gone mad with sweat 
Perfectly insane as they say
Hopping hypocrite the leaders 
Should be the ones to pay


P1347 Snake

I'm the superior being 
You're a fucking snake 
I own this whole planet 
You don't have a written stake 

Although we are both quite evil 
We part in our venomous fray
You react if someone fucks with you
We always lead the way

Fuck off now
Or I'll hit you with my stick 
Came prepared to piss on you
Do you like my dick?

Yeah it's tiny I know 
Also I have a flat kind of bum
If you like I can jack off here
You can taste my cum

Girls don't pay any attention 
If you have a micro dick
Plus a poor hobo like me
Can't never get his kick

Sometimes I'm horny as hell
And I've my own cock blown
I finger my asshole often
My nipples make me moan

I'm so depressed now
I can't find the easy chicks
Please bite me this instant 
And end my horrible fix

Let me hobble to my death 
Do disembowel my parts
Check to see my dreaming brain
And hold my bleeding heart

This was a man indeed 
You may tragically note
Nobody took a notice of him
Nobody took his coat

When you taste the tender asshole 
You'll see I'm a super soft soul
My pubic hair grew unrestrained 
Shit,  always a briquette of coal 

Finger each other in anus fun
The gods of snakes and men
When such a person as I die
Their venom will flood the glen

The tears you may have 
Will be of joy indeed
Lived a loser whose corpse, you'll say
A famished snake will feed


P1344 Friends

My doll loves me much
It tells me not to cry
No one else cares about me
It tells me I have to die

It whispers in a raspy croak
In a feverish voice, sick
Jump from the highest bridge 
Into the oncoming traffic 

When I couldn't gather the guts
It ordered a boutique noose 
It gave me strict instructions 
Nothing left for me to choose 

And the time has come now
My days are all done 
I'll kick the stool and in my school 
The first time I'll have some fun

It'll make sure I struggle and gag
Forever It'll set me free
Then two spirits, carefree souls
We'll spread our friendship spree 

P1343 Miss Jolly

Yes my shit's sticky
I use the baby soft premium 
I rub my hole in deep circles 
The paper is soaked in cum

Sometimes I light a fire
Especially when I gorge on beans
The bathroom is small for 
This contortionist of meager means

But at least I fit
Some of my friends don't 
They shit in their beds
And wipe they won't 

I know I'm alright 
In fact I'm quite thin
If you see me turning cartwheels nude
You'll jump out of your skin

Plus I play with the physics
Everything I do is nano deep
My smiles are fake, as my intentions 
With that only gold I reap

A bento box of lust
Coy every coil of the core
Steal hearts to hurt
But not a whore anymore 

By appointment only
I have my own app
Cookies on my website show me
Where you are on a map

I wear fashionable brands 
I plant praise in the sycophants 
I keep an eye on their eyes 
Never button the stretchy pants 

Cynics and critics I eliminate 
I poison their tea 
The twats don't deserve to live
I'm the queen of all I see

I help you unwind and unfuck 
Easy holes for desperate poles by golly
Once a week, any ache or pain
Regulars call me "Miss Jolly"

P1342 Worm

What's in a worm you ask
It's all pure protein pink
I just pick one from my ass
I always liked the stink 

Ten thousand frightened worms
Makes your stomach full
A few hundred lice with it
With my tongue I spool

Some are crunchy too
But some make you blue
You're out of luck I say
When you get a bloody flu

But I'm howling poor
My mind is a pickled jam
My problems are hard enough 
To distort who I am

But it doesn't really matter 
I'm invisible to the rest
I eat my shit, I drink my piss
I harvest every pest

The crops are going to fail this year 
The ground is hot parched and dry
If I don't have any food
It's my worms I try

You can't blame me, can you?
For being uncouth and raw?
At least no one's coming for your worms
The very last desperate straw 

The world is fucked 
I see the writing on the wall
Nothing the big stupids can do
To stall the great big fall

Nobody ever cared about me
Now I cheer for their blood
Selfish world and the assholes in it
Fucks floating in the flood

I don't make any sense you say
Is that what you think?
I'm sorry I boiled your turd
It'll be all over in a blink

Yes that's right, you and your "all"
You'll expiate well for your crime 
Although your head is in the sand
You're heading for a terrible time 

From every pore of rotting skin
From every hole you had
Your insides will be a pool of mess
It will be very bad

The worms are going to take over 
Every nook and cranny you can see
Your corpse will be bloated full of
Pink worms full of glee

P1339 Juxtaposition of colors

Mere juxtaposition of colors you think 
I'm a FUCKING god
I bring wealth to the wealthy 
The poor just get my rod

Of course I'm all made-up 
What do you think a god is
A convenient lie to get things done
A sparkling bottle of piss

I play with the other fiction 
That you already have in your head
I make them more irrational 
Guilt makes you wet your bed

The more corrupt the country 
More prevalent my prowl
If you're a bit in doubt 
Paid actors put on a scowl 

It's generational you know
The indoctrination party religiously wild
I absolutely must make sure
I finger your asshole as a child 

Further fucking is easier afterwards 
Since you have a ready mind
I can get away with any lies
Rinse, repeat and grind 

Blatant are my threats 
Quite naked the greed 
Contradictory statements galore 
Want more wounds to bleed 

The more you bleed the more you fight 
One nonsense against another 
Newer fiction all the time
One nonsense after another 

I tell you what to do and what not
Ancient rituals that reek of OCD
I make you sing and dance silly 
Like puppets on strings, OMG

I'm in the pocket of the puppeteers 
But it's your trust I breach 
I focus on your delusions
For all the shit I have to preach 

Go fuck yourself in the ass
Go back to your rotten prayer
If you think it's going to save you
Please know that I don't care

I'll twist your testicles 
If you breathe a word to the superstitious lot
They should remain in the twilight 
As blame worthy despicable snot 

There's no shit to save
Reality is random and harsh 
You're just part of a polluting species 
Who'll get flushed in a flash 

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