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P2222 I scream in pain

I scream in pain, my life vain, 
I know I'm nothing, not even close.
My eye on top, is a massive flop,
Precariously balanced on the nose.

But I see around me, and what I see,
Makes me sad in my brain.
And even though the brain's in a vat, 
I feel the angst, pressure and pain.

I fancy a world, petals unfurled, 
Where people are kind and just.
And I add, rushing perhaps, 
Character and integrity a must.

God of the gap, religious nofap, 
Aren't really the way to be.
Galaxies moving apart, we have to start,
To really understand what we see.

Simplistic answers in a world ever more not,
Is not what we can get.
The resolutions have to change, 
For human fate to properly set.

A fucked up soul, dark as coal,
Always a vulnerable spot.
Thick hairy dicks and ego pricks, 
Make my head silly hot.

It's a tool to be a fool, the spool,
Of lies are endlessly rotten.
I am only head, body went missing, 
Don't know really when.

Nobody thinks something bad,
 Is going to happen to them until it does.
Decapitated from the reality, 
I languish in a stupor and buzz.

Democratized vice, the wrong kind of spice,
Capitalism is a cruel knife.
I don't know, if the seeds I sow,
Will ever have a real life.

Yes my dear, these screams are of fear,
I don't trust my fellow men.
The sapiens in me is almost dead,
The ink's sad, sad is my pen.

A brain in a vat, I wear no hat,
I get fucked in the face you see.
Any opportunity it gets,
The world fucks my brain for free.

Treacherous the time, treasonous the crime,
Little can I do with my thought.
A hopeful future is all I can hope,
Hope is all I've got.


P2220 Cornered worm

Cornered worm, will still fight back harm,
Attempting violence is a crime. 
But the humans are swines, unrefined, 
Forcing their own extinction this time.

I can smell my fear, my heart beat I hear,
This isn't something I'm evolved to do.
Frankly dismayed, before I have said,
I may need to plan a true coup.

Why fight the weak, if I must speak,
Go after your own vicious kin.
Men against men, I prefer then,
They will have their walls caving in.

P2219 My dick is bent

My dick is bent, my patience spent, 
I pick up other people's shit.
The land is low, the shit I'll stow,
Where bacteria can find it.

Chained in plato's cave, shadows dancing rave,
Madness is a cute love affair.
Flickering lights, stampede and blights, 
Masquerading as what's really there. 

Airy fairy sometimes hairy scary,
It's just my strange point of view.
The ground beneath was always round,
But only a few people knew.

Sleepless the night, I wake up in fright, 
A janitor outside my home. 
Can't remember that I'm the king,
Of the castle I actually own.

Fuck my ass, help release the gas,
And the pent up feelings inside.
My mind is kind, but I often find,
A demon that needs to confide.

Happy the year, that will have no fear,
But homo hemlock is at it again.
War and shit, yes they very much like it,
Inflicting wanton unnecessary pain.

Bullshit is rife, I know that's life,
But I'm old fashioned enough. 
I can't melt, that explains the welt,
I huff and puff in this climate rough. 

Another year comes to a screeching end,
Not worth a duchenne smile.
I gape my ass, let the shit pass,
The smell makes me retch and rile.

There is a god in every pea and pod,
That shows our anthropomorphic taste.
We just see, what we want to see,
I've found a spirit in my shit paste.

Now, now, now blurts out the cow, 
I'm holy isn't it?
Well it depends where you are,
A god, meat or plain bullshit. 

P2218 Piece of shit

I'm a middle aged piece of shit, in mediocrity I flit,
Surrounded by assholes and morons.
Their vision of the world is deceitful and wrong,
Gray and woeful are my songs.

If a turd could be a bird, I know it's hard,
User manual is never included. 
Any escape wearing fancy cape,
Even if just inside my head.

Really hard to tell a tale, I often fail,
My life isn't entirely fun.
In keeping my yap shut, I stay in my hut,
Away from the arrogant condescension.

The less they know, the more they show,
Pests with pots of petty lies.
Don't know how long I'll live, or what I can give, 
For the wise, wise is a demise.

Sucker for some love, I ask them to wear a glove,
When friends drive a knife into me.
Risk I always take, the world's mostly fake,
I'm wallowing in a sea of shit and pee.

But plasma fusion is here, oil in fear,
Certainly the future could be bright. 
If only I can get out of this sewer, 
And be able to change the wrongs to right.


P2216 I have a phantom mouth

I have a phantom mouth, it's down south, 
It's always making faces at my dick.
Warning in gritting teeth, tongue underneath, 
That comes out often like a wick.

By the power of the whore, like before,
I'm disgruntled and frankly disappointed. 
Evolving into a freak, don't care for lucky streaks,
I get blood boiling red.

Why are you here, I ask in fear,
And it doesn't say anything at all.
At night I can't sleep, the mouth down deep,
Biting into the ball that's slightly small.

Curse of the holy cow, tasty anyhow, 
The reaction indifferent when I tell my foes.
Their label says friends, I know how it ends,
I drift in the adversarial throes.

P2215 My cat and I

My cat and I, we are both awkward and shy,
We're not good at conversations. 
Females we don't like, they always hike,
The price of stimulus masturbations. 

We hate bullshit and click-bait,
A bitch will always bait and switch. 
Our assholes are sensitive to emotions, 
On touch they'll happily twitch. 

Plus we both eat cat food, it's really good,
I buy a whole stack at petsmart. 
We both shit in a tray, during the day,
Our art is deprivation fart. 

Dogs don't like beans, sometimes very mean,
But we throw the world a dog bone.
Me and my cat with down syndrome and fat,
Wallow in the miseries we own.

Our god is good, of egyptian priesthood,
And dance naked with us always.
We play with god's balls, in bedroom and halls,
We pray not to have dull boring days.

Our bank balance zero, imaginary our hero,
Who'll come back to get crucified again.
Being broke is how a poor bloke,
Can justify his chain of existential pain.

P2214 I'm trying to steer

My hands may veer, but I'm trying to steer,
My life back on its tracks.
The problem is everything is imaginary, 
My brain runs on ice packs.

Depressed most of the time, 
I think happiness is just a fantasy. 
I don't like taking frequent baths, 
And always let my shit dry easy.

But I'm trying, I'm not giving up or dying, 
Until I reach where I ought to be.
I'm naked under the skin, flaws within, 
I know the winner is still me.

Just take my shit for what it is,
Really smells bad I know.
Sometimes I'm constipated, 
Diarrhea sometimes makes it flow.

Holy as hell, I like god's asshole smell,
The variety in food, it's all free. 
When chased by angry religious fanatics, 
I always climb the nearest tree.

I'm full of holes, but not an asshole, 
Usually computer sciencey my retorts. 
Used to masturbate for hours,
Thinking about binary insertion sorts. 

My boogers do stink, asshole pink,
If you adjust the colors a little bit.
My piss yellow and mood mellow,
Worms in my ass, very smelly armpit. 

My shit stain is always an ass pain,
I scrub hard with a nail polish remover.
The turds are moist and slimy, 
Rare ones I collect in a jar.

My piss is hot, I piss in a pot,
Then with vomit and snot ferment a drink.
I call it wine, people always whine,
So I just let them have a think.

Girls don't like me, they rarely smile,
It's always as if their shit doesn't smell.
I've checked it out for a fact in fact,
Their poop is gross, smells like hell.

Especially the prude, are silly and rude,
I put lice in their hair.
They fuck around with thick dicks,
My soggy noodle can only stare. 

Philosophy my forte, I must say,
I'm socratic when I mute my fart.
The pleasure I derive from scaring kids,
Sets me as a class truly apart. 

P2213 I think this cave

I think this cave is going to be my grave,
I'm scared those teeth are sharp.
My knife isn’t good, I'm a good dude,,
A sentence, in fear, I needlessly harp.

This shit is it, how I die is fit,
I walked into the cave of greed.
Fucked my ass, now bloated with gas,
From anxiety, not undigested bean or seed.

The earth will shake, when the monster is awake,
Gobble up anything he can eat.
Think about that, I'm not fat,
He'll not be happy with my meat.

Plus I need to take a shit, been holding it,
But should I shit in its mouth or in a cup?
My farts are smelly, in its belly, 
I'm sure there's vomit spewing up.


P2211 My mouth is shut

Assholes I can't lick, the smell makes me sick,
Cocks I don't suck, wanna fuck me.
I don't like to suck dick or drink cum thick,
I suffocate in a hostile piss sea.

Unpopular as ever, I always say never, 
But always get involved in a fray.
I'd rather stagnate as a poor loser,
Lead a socratic life, if I may.

Content as smartly mute, than coy or cute,
Reticent as a busy builder bee.
All the things I can do, build and create, I will, 
But not inside a pee fence of men pissy.

Homo hemlock needs to get its shit together, 
We're really all one kind.
If we let the pretend differences get away,
We're doing harm to the collective mind.

My mouth is shut, captive in my hut,
A reality far from where I should be.
But the fate of honesty is dire,
In the world of senseless fantasy. 

Too old to be sold, I catch easily a cold,
When left to fend near an inhospitable bend.
The cruel world of selfish souls, prescribes, 
Profitable but an unsustainable trend. 

Yes-men abound, easy to be found, 
Docile gaping holes with a begging pot. 
But a free-thinking provocateur, a pain,
And will make you grind your teeth a lot.

P2210 I'm getting old

I'm getting old, my story to be told,
My shit smells bad but I can't smell it.
The gods left me alone, no email or phone,
The gullible waste a fortune on religious shit.

There's no god, just the gap that's odd,
That randomness can emerge pretty.
The souls inside my asshole, their goal,
And everybody else's dreams all petty.

But how to tell those, that can't read prose,
Or understand the basic scientific facts.
I too get carried away in imaginary arrays, 
And matrices of untried exacts. 

Once married and harried, now self carried, 
I exist a recluse like a pest.
Sometimes the happiest yesterdays 
Lead to the tomorrows that are saddest.

The mind is a weird thing, from it can spring, 
Things that defy definitions.
Sorry to bore you all, you may scratch your balls,
Or your ass or fatty hairy buns.

The dreams I see, will blossom when I won't be,
But I annoy the crowd with my rants.
And just when they're praying I'd leave, 
I show them reality without any pants. 

I'm going off to sleep, in my mind I weep,
If only I could smell my shit some more.
My piss is pale and wicked stale, I fail,
To stay fit like the spring before.

P2209 The man is dead

The man is dead, I see only a head, 
The rest of the body is missing. 
Maybe from another dimension, 
Or a murder I'm not dismissing. 

If he had a dick, I could have it stick,
To my old cunt for joy.
But sorry to say only the nose,
Can be used in this ploy.

I can pretend, he's a desperate gent,
Who is into old lady cunts. 
I can't imagine in real life,
If an old hairy hole was in his wants.

Or I can shit on his head, when in my bed,
But the head is too heavy for my back.
I can't shit now, so I'll come back somehow, 
With turds in a jar or a gift pack.


P2207 Maybe as a fish

I'm sad that I'm going mad,
That my life is pile of shit. 
No one likes me, there's no love, 
I always stumble into a pit.

This pit I feel, has blades of steel, 
That are cutting into me slow.
How do I now, become whole somehow
I really do not know.

Then maybe a dream, or it would seem,
I am just smithereens or dust.
That would be the end, non-negotiable bend,
When my demise is certainly a must.

Trapped in fear, the whispers I hear,
Tell me the many ways to die.
I have no peace, in my head at least, 
I just breakdown and cry.

Maybe as a fish, an improbable wish,
I could stay in a stagnant pond. 
There I could hate and hide myself,
Not have anybody to respond.

The selfish self-assured circle closing in,
The smattering of overconfident thugs.
There's no escape, I have no spare cape,
And too much shit to sweep under the rugs.

The perception of deception can't be refuted, 
Like you never say you're blind when you can see.
The shadows are menacing and long,
I no longer know how to be.


P2205 I fight in fright

I fight in fright, whoever in sight,
I've lost everything and nothing more to lose,
Stand naked in the rain, and can't refrain, 
Until I medicate my overactive fuse.

Dick shit load from a sewer toad,
Is really how the world is.
I'm brave, but can't the world save, 
From their own shit and piss.

Seemingly learned, but poorly fed,
Superstitious people galore. 
I shake my head, naked in my bed,
Swearing invectives like a whore. 

This world I know, assholes and hos,
Pimps with pimples big and small.
I say to you, my hair stuck with glue,
I can win with my one functional ball.

This I fear, from what I hear,
Holy gods here with new assholes.
Through these holes many many souls,
Are being trained as vicious trolls. 

The fleas overseas are full of prejudice, 
But I can't do anything they're so small.
Plus insects I love, I always use a glove, 
To pick the lice that from my balls fall.

But if it's human, I'll jump in a fray,
And kick the molecules until they scatter. 
I stay awake at night, nightmares of fright,
Can't stop the inner chat of the pratter.

In the thoughts at the brink, the oddness I think,
May be an elixir of some fancy sort.
With my mind dissipated and weak,
I seek some stability and comfort.

And because I'm weird, I must be feared, 
As man against a supernatural whore.
In the future I see, a civilization from my pee,
And from my shit, more shit than before. 




P2201 What is this?

What is this? someone else's piss!
Why is he pissing on me?
Maybe he's a lost soul, or maybe an asshole, 
Or maybe he just cannot see!

Holy homosexual cow, madness somehow,
Has made him pursue this lane. 
Self inflicted crime, doesn't at all rhyme,
To his mother I will complain. 

But I like yellow, the color of his piss,
He should drink more water I think.
Wondering the kidney state, his final fate,
The spray is making me blink. 

I'm really weird, shouldn't I be spared,
What have I done to receive the urea rain?
Now the bacteria will break it down,
Releasing ammonia like a drain.



P2198 Huge-ass zit

I have a huge-ass zit, makes me feel like shit,
It's right there on my face.
My popularity in the school, for not looking cool,
Has hit the lowest available place. 

I now want to die, I will not want to lie,
The girl I like doesn't wanna talk.
In fact she sent a text, to a rapist out of state,
That she wanted him to stalk.

I don't know, I'm feeling very low,
People are fucking with my mind.
Between a rock and hard place, zit on my face,
I belong to the least sought after kind.

P2197 I dig my nose

I dig my nose, god only knows,
The treasures that hide in the deep.
If one kilo a set, a booger I don't get,
At night a grown-up man I weep.

The snot in the pot is all I've got,
It's like a mine that's only mine.
Even if my shit, smells like it,
At least I can say my booger is fine.

Hello the world whole, can you hear a troll,
Heckling me for writing about shit.
I reserve the right, to write at night, 
Pretty much anything that I fancy fit.

Fuck my stupid hole, I'm a lonely soul,
I comb my pubes pretty everyday. 
I don't know about you, everything is true,
Pick things from your ass and just say.

The prudes are always rude, 
Nothing can please the hopefuls. 
The invisible man in the cloud, shits and is loud,
When you remonstrate against his random rules.

Using my anal rod, I like to please my god,
Dedicated in repeating squiggles in the dark.
Then in the park, stark naked I walk, 
At unbelievers I always bark.

P2196 মদ খেতে চাই

মদ খেতে চাই, তাই মদ খাই,
বলতো ভালোবাসা কোথায় পাই.
পাখাটা হয়ে গেছে হাত, কেয়া বাত কেয়া বাত,
বল করিত এবার করি কি?

কবিতা লিখতে চাই বদলে পাই ছাই,পায়ে হাই,
কিছুতেই মেলেনা ছন্দ কখনো.
আরব দেশে এসে, গেছি বড় ফেসে,
চা খাই দু'বেলা ঘনঘন.

লোকজন ভালো, শিশুর চোখে আলো,
বাঙালি পাখি দেখেনি তো.
তাই চেয়ে থাকে সব, করে কলরব, 
সুধায় এল কোথা থেকে এই পাখি গো?

আকাশে দেখি ভাই, তারায় চলো তাই যাই, 
শান্তি পাবো আলোকবর্ষ দূরে.
খেপে খেপে, মদ চুক চুক,
ঘোলা চোখের পাখি অচিনপুরে.


P2194 This is my snot

This is my snot, fresh-from-oven-hot,
And it looks just like bird shit.
It smells bad too, consistency of glue,
On some clean face I can stick it.

This is what I do, out of the blue,
When you give me a warm hug.
I hiss when I piss, yes dear miss,
I fancy your casual shrug.

Warts and all, I have a ball,
Yes just one and very hairy and dense.
Like my brain, my thoughts are vain,
I pain my neck always very tense.

The concentric layers of affairs, 
Tiring loopholes and assholes every day.
I get tired of the fake world of pretense, 
Everyone insisting their own highway. 

Now I know, the magical ho,
That I imagine I have sex with.
She's like my snot, very very hot,
But in one imaginary monolith. 

I've decided to eat my snot, I'm not a bigot,
I know it's full of protein and vit.
From here I proceed, next my piss,
And soon I'll be eating my shit.



P2191 I'm eating a head

I'm eating a head, in my bed,
And its spit smells like shit.
The man in the grocery said it was mean,
To be careful when biting in it.

I've bit the head, it's bloody red,
The blood sauce as they say. 
Heads of poor people, unbelievers and rascals, 
Are on bumper sale today. 

My group is the best, our caps attest,
Our invisible man is the best in invisibility. 
Other people are stupid, what they say insipid, 
Their concepts make sense shitty.

We hang their gang, or plain bang-bang,
Belong or die we enforce. 
Think how we think, or we say you stink,
Become part of dinner in course. 

P2190 That's a fresh turd

That's a fresh turd, you may have heard,
Our group called shit head. 
Basically our service is generosity, 
We let you shit on our head in bed.

We balance the poop, jump through your hoop,
Careful not to drop the shit.
We enjoy your care, too pious for affairs, 
Our payment, we deserve every bit.

From our nose we piss, if you want it miss,
We are jolly good fellows I insist. 
If you want we can offer other services, 
With our hands your ass we can fist. 

Primarily gung-ho, but really a man ho,
We cheer up a masturbation.
We understand the refractive period, 
We are here to save our great nation.

You can shit on us, no mess or fuss,
We are from where people are worse.
At least here I get paid for this shit,
Over there, I've to rob the customer's purse.

We are guys good, eat your shit for food,
Lick your asshole for dessert. 
We let you do whatever, for money,
Quietly breathe in your smelliest fart.

The holidays are here, we know the cheer,
Undigested expensive treats we chew.
The gifts we get, a brand new Lego set,
Of cleaning supplies for a crew. 


P2188 Misery and pain

Misery and pain visits me again,
I'm twice fucked this time.
Double the trouble, I do gobble, 
My food, no reason nor rhyme.

One bad eye, sad cavities I spy,
Holy homeless cow!
I ate my dental crown, now can't frown,
My face is defaced somehow. 

I shit a lot, the crown in the pot,
Flushed away like all good times.
Searing this pain, I say again and again,
I'm suffering for my crimes. 

Crimes of gluttony and sloth,
Sinner of many many sins.
I love ice cream, chocolate, rosogolla, 
Sushi, sashini, and shark fins.

Don't know how, find tasty the holy cow,
And it has cursed me in a spell. .
Ibuprofen and lidocaine, oh this pain,
Dragging me to my hell.

Hello holy hindu cow, hear me somehow, 
Please stop fucking my asshole.
This dental pain, will not go in vain,
I promise I'll become a pious soul.

P2187 A bird with a key

A bird with a key is shitting on me,
I guess it's a sign of something good.
Maybe the angels are free, want a date with me,
It's a key to a rejuvenated manhood. 

My dick droopy and very loopy, 
Doesn't really work at all.
The main pubic function right now,
Satisfaction from scratching my ball.

Yes just one ball, the other is small,
God during design was taking a shit.
Symmetric or not, that ball becomes hot,
When I spot a miss with a bare tit.

My life is lonely and long, a defective schlong,
Girls never pay attention to me.
They like superman, batman, and money man,
I have no super powers you see. 

P2186 I shit in a pot

I lie a lot, I shit in a pot,
I cry when I have piss to dry.
I puke faced with incendiary rebuke,  
Usually my fish takes time to fry.

Holy and horny cow, I must fuck somehow, 
My semen is drying on the flap.
Stern machinations in soft situations, 
Usually when I show my butt gap.

But overall one ball, is very small,
The other is grotesquely big.
This happened when in Calcutta, 
I was trying to become a pig.

Of course all men are pigs,
And of course you must be right. 
But I do look like one, at least partly,
Qualified for a shriek of fright at night. 

Well but looks can't be everything, 
If you have wealth and health. 
And here again, I have none,
I live alone, hidden away in stealth.

Fornication, at least a fortnight,
Or is it more? Was it with my hand?
If I score on a miss, I want to piss,
To signify ownership of her land.

Not really very good, the food,
After shit I furiously fret.
I love to eat, sometimes overeat, 
At night my bed always sweat wet.

Heart attack a must, what's left is a crust, 
A crusty old man vain, carrying pain.
My habits porcine, use French perfumes fine,
I don't consider a hooker's bath is vain.

I let shit dry on my hole, my soul,
Is pure as pure can be.
If I should die, I leave no shit to dry,
Pucker my hole and I'm free.

P2185 Fucked by my ass

Fucked by my ass, by the worms it has,
They are coming out from other holes.
Oh by sweet gods true, I'm tired and blue,
An attack of several foul souls. 

Yes if I'm right these are desperate guys, 
Living a sinful shameful afterlife. 
They fucked people in lives before,
Now cursed to an endless micro strife.

But how this shit, whatever it is,
Got into my ass I don't know.
Maybe the hooker I fucked,
Or one of the imaginary rancid hos.

If that is right, I must be full of fright,
Fucked unusual things aren't good to me. 
I ain't a pure soul, but nor an asshole, 
I deserve better diseases, I plea.

I search my soul, I find several holes,
Leaking worms in various ways.
Fuck this shit, I stroke my tit,
Entitled now, to ignore what it says.

By holy hollow cow, plastic I won't allow, 
But I have to dildo flush the worms tonight. 
Look at me, in a miserable vapid sea,
A blight now fucking with my sight.

With anomaly in my eye, I look to the sky,
At the gods fidgeting with wretched odds,
Making promises that fit, but delivering only shit,
The odds not clearly with the gods.

P2184 I fry an egg on my head

I fry an egg on my head,
Making sure it's sunny side hot.
My anger is a delicate oven, 
My head often a cooking pot.

These days I cook fish as well,
They are very tasty I tell you.
Even if the world runs out of coal,
I've got enough here for a few.

I blow steam from ears,
I'm sort of getting deaf though. 
The whole anger thing makes poetry, 
A much easier thing to flow.

The world is mean, is what I've seen, 
Freeloaders and fraudsters are king.
If you're old fashioned and honest, 
They fuck you with their thing.

Too bad, I'm mad, it's sad,
That the world is a decrepit place, 
Dancing for the wrong causes, 
Wearing always a fake face.


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