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P1976 Don't like this ant

Don't like this ant, was in my pants, 
It bit my scrotum twice. 
Don't know about you, there are a few, 
Who eat ants with boiled rice.

Trying very hard, it's on guard, 
I'll get it with my tongue flap.
My tongue is fast, a new role here cast,
To get the ant in my yap.

Yay yay yay, I feel really gay,
Maybe I'll let it in my ass.
Stimulation is fun, give my worms a run,
I can fart it out with gas.






P1970 পারছোনা ওটা তুলতে?

পারছোনা ওটা তুলতে?
পুরনো বান্ধবীকে ভুলতে?
ঠেলে ফেলে দেবো,
চলো তো খাঁদের ধারেতে.

ঝাঁটা পেটা করে মাজা ভেঙে দেবো,
পিন্ডি চটকে তার বড়া.
মুখের উপর ঝামা ঘষে দিলে,
জানবো তুমি জীবন্ত না মরা.

কোন মায়ের মেয়ে আমি তুমি জানো?
কেন মিছে বিপদ ডেকে আনো? 
আমি অন্ধকারের মধ্যেও ঘোর কালো, 
গুষ্টির তুষ্টি করতে পারি ভালো.

মেনিমুখো, অকর্মণ্য, ধরিবাজ,
মুখটা সব সময় হাঁড়ি .
পয়সা নেই কেন?
কি আমাকে কিনে দেবে শাড়ি?

কি বললে? দুঃখের মালা গাথি?
মারবো পেছনে লাথি.
পড়বে মুখ থুবরে গোবরে,
চললাম আমি, দেখছি অন্য সাথী.

P1969 I'm been fed shit

Freedom of speech, without a hitch,
You must be so fucking high.
Truth, by decree declared dead,
Semi-literates rule the sky.

Just one of many ant like, almost invisible,
A miserablist with a moral mouth. 
Everyone wants badly to fuck my ass, 
Everything going surly south.

I'm being fed shit, and stale, as I see it,
I can't breathe any air.
I can't scream, the pipe in the mouth, 
Languid and hopeless in this snare.

The leaders' shit I assume, 
I can taste the expensive spice.
Dim aroma with the nose blocked, 
But I'm betting it's religious rice.

Lizards with hidden cameras, 
It's the national pride and joy.
Nobody minds another reptilian spy,
Vying to be a "very good national boy."

You can't see the rest, it's best,
My asshole quivering with thrust. 
The country has legislated, for talkative folks,
An attached spiny dildo, a must.

Stomach churning cesspool of squalor,
The coordinates of my life now.
Abject poverty a lens through which, 
I pray to the holy cow.

Bullshit here, bullshit there, bullshit everywhere,
Ingredients of a successful state. 
The inconvenient suffer piped prison soup,
Totally fucked by fate.

Propagandists with post truths, 
Famous and unusually fun.
Infamously die and always unknown, 
People who like to pun.

Education turns out, was a bad choice,
Should have been an ordinary street whore. 
My asshole is both hairy and tight, 
Depravity pleases much more.

Everything I do, is flashed on a screen, 
My piss analyzed through a catheter fed. 
Any sound I make can be used in a court of law,
The verdict always "off with his head."






P1963 Worm on my back

I walk like this, holding my hissy piss,
A hungry mad worm on my back.
I eat only meat, the worm my shit,
Together no power we lack.

A gift from god an ass raping rod,
Who could have foreseen my luck.
With it I go, more bravely than before, 
Wherever there's a fake ass to fuck.

A cracking idea, how little here,
This land mired in backwater muck.
My thoughts wouldn't drown, to defeat I frown, 
No villainy yet I can't fuck.

Foul play, usually hold sway,
Humans with good intentions extinct.
When caught in a bluff, the nitwits huff,
In the end they get the fucking hint.

They understand clout, only when you shout,
A tender asshole they fuck.
A weak character, a spine no better, 
Gets only their dicks to suck.

I hate flimflam, dogmatic I am,
My balls the color of acrimonious bile.
I want to be known, famously flown,
Where I can live without any guile.

My tendrils of thought, friends I've sought, 
May despise my guts sometimes. 
But in their heart, in quiet hidden farts, 
With mine their theory often rhymes.

In god's good grace, have a handsome face, 
There's plenty of this flamboyant fucking I do.
I smile a lot, much smoking of pot,
I am in the remarkable few.

P1958 আমার কুঁচকি প্রসারিত

আমার কুঁচকির থলি দীর্ঘ প্রসারিত,
আমার হিসু বন্ধ, খুলছে না কল.
আমি চিন্তিত আমি বাবা হতে পারব না,
সত্যিই হতবাক এবং বিহ্বল.

আমি কোথায় আছি জানি না, 
আমার মাথা ব্যাথা করছে দেখছি.
সবকিছু একটি ধোঁয়াটে দুধ সাদা,
হয়তো আমি আবার শুক্রাণু হয়ে গেছি.

মলদ্বার অনুভব করতে পারছি না,
গু বের হবে কিভাবে?
এখন কি চিড়ে চ্যাপ্টা হয়ে আমার পাছা,
চিরকাল মাটিতে আটকে থাকবে?

হয়তো এটা একটা দুঃস্বপ্ন,
বদহজম হয়েছে একটু.
কেন আমার অদ্ভুত লাগছে,
করতে হবে পিছনে ফুটু.

আমি নিশ্চিত এটা নরকের প্রস্তুতি, 
মৃত্যু মাত্র এক লহমা দূরে.
হয়তো এটাই কারণ,
দুঃখে নুনু চলে গেছে অনেক দূরে.

P1957 বিপরীত

ভালবাসা কি আমি জানি, 
জানি ঘৃণার ঠিক বিপরীত. 
সংজ্ঞায় বিশেষ কিছুই নেই, 
নেই যেমন গ্রীষ্মের কাছে শীত.

  আমি হয়তো ভালবাসাকে ভুল বুঝি,
অথবা হয়তো আমাকে ভুল বোঝে ভালবাসা.
রাতে রংধনু খুব কমই স্পষ্ট দেখা যায়,
অন্ধকারের অমীমাংসিত সমস্যা.

বেশিরভাগই ছদ্মবেশী প্রয়োজন, 
গভীর আবেগ নয়.
অথবা মুহূর্তের মোহ, 
দ্রুত যার মৃত্যু হয়.

যদি মানুষের থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়,
তাহলেই ভালোবাসা অনুভব করা যায়.
মনের ভিতরেরতম মন অবশেষে,
কথা বলার শব্দ খুঁজে পায়.

ভালবাসা স্বপ্নের অবর্ণনীয় দৃশ্য, 
অথবা সূর্যাস্তের লাল আভা. 
যে বই আমি বারবার পড়ি, 
শৈশবের লুকানো পুরানো আশা. 









P1949 I'm not fit

I'm not fit, I have a huge ass zit,
With talking worms inside. 
The worms converse, in english too, 
Better than mine, I confide.

Maybe this is my second asshole, 
But I'll look like a perverted clown. 
Now poop will get redirected, 
Certainly a reason to frown.

Why do bad things happen to cartoons, 
Surely I haven't hurt a soul. 
In fact I only exist, 
When someone this blog would scroll.

Oh the gods are really fucked up,
They should've straightened first my pout.
Now I have another issue, 
A face with worms dangling out.

P1948 Don't know shit

Don't know shit, I'm a purohit,
I mispronounce old sanskrit koans.
Formulaic rhythm and rhymes,
Chosen to fool the chosen ones.

Abracadabra, pulling wool over eyes,
Is easy if your eyes by faith are fed.
Here for example, in a pedantic trance, 
They see a blue ghost on my head.

My fees are high, in fire my feces I fry,
But the fools don't mind the smell. 
They're really very dim, I hum a hymn,
Detailing a fall into hindu hell.

I mumble this and that, praise from the fat,
The podgy are as dumb as bovine dung.
In the haze of smoke and crackling fire,
The cannabis smoke gets the suckers strung. 

Strategies are plain, use vain praise like rain,
In various parts of speech as spice. 
The word "holy" enunciated multiple times, 
Complete the heist in a trifling trice.

Snake oils easy to sell, do just tell, 
And everyone's convinced I bring luck.
Pretty shiny coins, I entertain my loins, 
Especially if a husband can't fuck.

I leave with a wad of cash, their assholes slashed, 
But they think it's totally worth it.
I have another place to go, more rich I grow, 
All I know is people are dumb shit. 



P1946 I pray to my god

I pray to my god, this dick with balls odd,
That please don't let people fuck me so. 
You know how much I respect and love you,
Yet, why you treat me like a ho?

People tell me I'm old, but I've always done as told, 
I studied the holy books like they made sense. 
Carried my life in structured adherence, 
The blow jobs I gave you, never charged a pence.

I have no cash, my anus a wounded gash,
Holy holy holy, cow fuck true. 
Now I need a job, I come here to sob,
I'll sit and cry until my balls turn blue. 

Sweet diabetic pee, as I can clearly see,
The ants are lapping it up I find. 
Maybe dear god a little less, sugar I confess, 
In your diet will clear your mind.

Maybe from your pee, I can make tea,
That way I'll save money on sugar cubes.
Or in my old crotch, with cheap bengali scotch,
A recipe for young shiny pubes.

If you spare your shit, that's what I'll eat,
I'm so poor you've no fucking know. 
I starve half a day, at night eat I may,
Parsimoniously every grain for later I stow.

Or you can in head, tell me to be dead, 
I'll sit my asshole on a sharp cactus thorn.
My life sucks smelly snot, suffering and whatnot, 
I've come to you sad and forlorn. 


P1938 I tug on my dick

A bachelor's life is full of strife, 
I tug on my dick quite a lot. 
I sit on a chair and touch my tit,
I blow a wad of cum on the spot.

The cum dribbles down my chin,
I stick my tongue out for taste. 
Meanwhile the girl in the movie, 
Wipes cum from her face in haste.

I decide the movie plot was vacuously thin, 
I snuggle up to my pillow to sleep. 
I notice It takes only ten seconds, 
To orgasm every week.

It's not even four times in a month, 
The pressure is rarely high.
Only a decade ago,
The needle was stuck to the sky.

That's how it is, and even the piss,
Doesn't have the strength at all.
Before, the torrent could blow a hole,
Or collapse a weakened wall.

But the farts make me proud,
I can be heard through concrete thick.
The hair in my nostrils and on my asshole, 
Could make anyone indeed very sick. 

I eat a lot and shit a lot more,
That's a middle-aged person for you.
The only other thing that's good,
Is a memory that remembers few.

But I'm not really that fat, an imaginary cat,
Likes to shit on my calcutta bed.
A city of selfish semi-literate, where I live,
Nitwits with vacuum in their heads.

Astrologically I'm a putrid pile of poop,
That could ruin anyone's horoscope chart.
Most people hate my plump hairy balls,
Because always on their face I fart. 

Straight up bullshit reigns supreme here, 
The politicians, the lowest morality souls. 
If I ever manage a strong erection, 
I swear to god, I'll fuck their holes.

Corrupt mustachioed oily goons,
Flaunt their shit all the time.
While the educated live in abject poverty,
Honesty is honestly a big fault of mine. 

I'm unusually full of anxious worms, 
That feast on my asshole at night. 
They make me grit my teeth a lot,
My gums now live in fright.

My sweat stinks like compost, the boogers make you think,
Flies spend their lifetime on my skin.
Overall,  the package as I approach the end,
Makes hairs on my head balding thin.

But that's how life is folks, 
That's fucking how it is.
Now I've to run to the bathroom again,
To take this night's millionth piss.




P1935 All for some apples...

“… you are dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on pavements with bricks under them…” - Douglas Adams

Scientists like to know, if god designed a brain with a want for sugar, why would he ask Adam and Steve to stay away from the apple tree? An all-knowing god would've modified the reward pathway for sugar craving in the dorsal striatum of their brain instead of going through banishment paperwork and other unnecessary bureaucratic hassles. It’s sad that, apart from being petty, god put the couple in such a nightmarishly metaphorical dilemma, knowing fully well that they were hungry and clueless and that they hadn’t taken classes in figures of speech. Getting all worked up about some apples and asking them to leave sounds like somebody with serious anger issues and in dire need of psychotherapy and medication. Therefore, plainly human and certainly not divine. Maybe god should rot in hell for this incorrigible behavior.

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