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P1578 Intentions

My intentions are unclear, 
But they're never good, 
It always ends up with a murder or rape, 
Sloganeering only to deceive the brood.

I stand hands folded before the citizens,
With an innocent meek face, 
But the plan I've hatched in my mind,
Entails beating them with a mace.

I hump and thump, uproot their stump,
Make them refugees in-situ.
Once broken in, easier it is to win,
Make known their daddy is who!

I talk about egalitarian values, 
Then piss in the expecting gape. 
Flirty hypocrisy and grandstands, 
Work as instant ass rape.

Religion makes it easy, age-old recipes, 
Divide and rule over nonexistent beings. 
Or I invent another hat, metaphysical chat,
Show them everything in nothing.

I'll take their land and all their money, 
Gangrape their girls in every hole,
Hang their sons to the highest trees, 
Just some of a politician's many roles.

Oppression is really a fine art,
The friends of the oppressed look the other way.
It's a ruse of politicians, 
Rape and still get all the hooray. 

There are so many ways hideously grim,
To  be cruel, unkind and unhelpful.
I just toss an unfair coin to decide,
Lean towards the most painful.

And the nitwits have no memory, 
Ass rape and reuse until dead.
Democracy is just feeding Illusions, 
The most corrupt becomes the head.

Promises are made, with ruby and jade,
Then broken into smithereens. 
People forget, and that's always my bet,
Divert them into their many sins.

I tax the poor, lax on the rich,
Rejoice at how more poor the poor get.
Poorer they are, easier it is to scare,
Auction their tears on the internet.

Ritual blame tennis with opposition I play, 
Give them tickets to my gangrapes.
The police is decapitated with warnings, 
Nobody a democracy escapes.

My sperm, valiant new germ,
Gets my warm chair and chin.
Once you are in power, set for life,
Politicians always win.


P1567 Not a good character

I'm not a good character, 
My scales have venomous spite.
A sheltered nocturnal life I prefer,
It's always your ass I bite.

I hunt down when hungry, 
Killing only for food, 
But I hate people that hate me,
For them I'm not particularly good.

I skin them and lick the wound, 
Until the blood peters out. 
They are alive in small pieces I eat,
Screaming imprecations down my spout.

The genitals are a delicacy, 
I'm a delicate being in many ways,
I dance a jig, swear like a pig, 
Slice them on my tray.

Don't ever fuck with me,
You'll regret you were ever born, 
Your eyeballs with extra pain,
I'll have them personally torn.

I sell pickled eyeballs, 
A lot of buyers, never a dearth. 
Now if you'll excuse me,
I want to enjoy one by my hearth. 











P1556 Akimbo

I drink my scotch, I scratch my crotch,
I know someday I'm gonna die.
In my pube a louse, thinks he's a mouse, 
How the fuck does he get to lie.

I'm a little drunk, I stepped on a skunk, 
Or maybe my overzealous fart.
Intoxicated or not, who had ever thought, 
I can't ever get smart.

There's problem with legs, question it begs,
Why one is always twisted akimbo. 
That louse in my ass, god never has,
Slept with a lice infested ho.

I finger my ass, my verbs quite crass,
Dunno how else to talk fast.
A fucking piece of shit, when I'm hard at it,
Comes out of it, with the louse intact. 

Salute to normalcy, I'm all fucked up you see,
There's nothing that can be really done.
One look at me, convince a girl that she,
Will never wanna drink my cum.

So be it stupid whore, I conquered mouths before, 
May someone light your bush on fire.
My fart may do the trick, funny as it's sick, 
That's how I settle my ire.




P1552 No longer...

No longer the cheerful chap I used to be
In a deep mental sinkhole, 
The songs have all dried up inside,
I wear the scars on my soul. 

I can hardly afford a meal now,
Quench my hunger with tea,
A muttering mad man left alone,
On the cliffs of his insanity. 

No one wants to hear,
The forlorn dreary fate
Quiet and quieter still,
I have imploded of late. 

Millions of keen advisors, 
Billions of bad patronizing advice, 
A treadmill carried on balloons, 
To crash just a prick suffice.

Plodding along an unobserved life,
Floundering in the twilight gray.
Miserable circles around the sun, 
Milestones of frenzied decay.

I used to be quite good looking, 
A face morning bright, 
Now an apocalyptic shadow,
That presage much blight. 

I scribble my thoughts down,
Waves arriving carefree. 
The ocean of words and images, 
Is all that's left of me.

Honestly, honesty is a bad bet,
Just a ruse I fell for,
If I could rerun my life,
Would have other costumes wore.

The world rich soil for the larcenous crops, 
Sheer mindless deceit galore, 
Everything good I've tried to do,
I've retrogressed more and more.

But life's all about staying alive, 
To realize that fictions are made up.
Need to thrive on the side that works,
There's no measuring cup.

An imperfect life is better than none,
That's the most important thing,
First a human without the hubris, 
Everything from that always spring.

I wish to end this life, 
But the imperfections keep me alive, 
Don't know when my time ends,
Or how pathetic that demise.




P1548 Waiting around to die

Waiting around to die,
Neck deep in water now,
Can you save me sire? 
Maybe somehow? 

The gods-allah, bhagwan, and christ,
Waterlogged in their respective shells,
The elected officers very busy,
Saving themselves. 

I tell you sire, all the money, 
For dams and drainage elsewhere went.
On the ministers' corrupt luxuries,
In self-serving homage spent. 

It's a practical matter, 
The floods are here to stay,
Today it's me, tomorrow who can see,
Selfish people and myths have the last say!

Waiting around to die!
A preventable death this is!
Can you take my eyes at least,
Make them see, as it is?









P1539 I just shit

I just shit, a lot of it,
I know, it smells really bad.
Civilization will fail, with my shit hail,
All you have to do, is be glad.

We're really just sacks, stacks of skin,
Bloated with tons of poop.
You won't believe, in my hand I received,
Just from dinner, this scoop.

Fuck my ass, no lies it has,
Just pure uninterrupted feces. 
Here! Sniff it out, with your snout,
Drink from my pissy.

We're animals bro and my dearest ho,
Just a twisted evil fisted tube,
Filth in the pipe and pointless gripes,
Forgot to wipe my pube.

May not believe me or may, I do this everyday,
Just a pile of shit is what I am.
I clean my hole, with god's mercy on my soul, 
Go back to society as a man.

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