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P1034 Man Chicken

I've been pacing 
Pacing up and down
I don't know where my ass went
I think it went out of town

Also my legs are a little weird 
The toe is now a talon
Can't feel my penis
Piss I'm holding at least a gallon 

And what are these flappy things 
Don't think they are wings
Surely defective in some way
Feathers mounted on springs 

I can't prarie-dog this shit much long
This cloaca isn't tight 
To die a bird with a turd halfway out
Is a disgrace I want to fight 

What have I done to deserve this fate
Don't know what's wrong with me
Was it the chicken I fucked 
Or what else could it be?

Can't see a thing except the floor
Used to hold my head high
Now I'm a man chicken 
Who is about to die


P1032 New year's resolution

I'd love to eat a human baby 
Made up my mind, absolutely no maybe 

They are so soft and yummy 
A delicacy for my tummy 

That's my new year resolution draw
A crunchy child, unflavored and raw

I'd eat one every day, for 365 days
Babies from all, except of course gays

They can't make babies you know 
I'm conservative, I go with the flow 

Eat a hindu baby on the ganges shore
Need some spice, masala like before 

I'll go to every nook and cranny 
Steal and eat from every kind of fanny

I hope I don't get arrested when I digest 
I sleep after each meal in my cosy nest

Don't come near the sign will say
That I think will hold them at bay

Stupid apes they think they are smart
They'll suffocate in their own fart

There will be no humans new
They've driven us rare, snakes are few

Ready the first baby in party rum
Yippee 2022 here I come 




P1027 To think quietly

Life isn't what it used to be
It was never about me finding the secret key

The roads never led anywhere 
I lost my way in the maze here

I don't fit very well with people anymore 
I'm better off alone, I've shut the door

The silence rivets me, gives me force
To think quietly on the next course


P1026 Pissed me off

He said i wasn't wearing the mask right 
That pissed me off and started the fight 
A hole through the head, shut him up
Forget fight he can't even get up

I've little patience these days
People getting on my nerves many ways
How long can you cook inside your mind
The rage is out, it can't be confined

I'll finish the cigarette before I go
I've tried talking before 
Talking only works when people will hear
Can't make deaf and stupid dear

P1025 More than the eyes can

The profound is never
An easy thought to be found 

Mercenary criss-cross across the mind
Hardly anything there to find 

In all the vicissitude I have seen
Gems few and far between 

Mostly just dragged up dredge 
From that shallow emotional edge

But sometimes, just sometimes 
Something strange in the inner eyes

Wakes it up and there before you 
A landscape you never knew

Novelty where there was none
Many things combine in one

Perspectives connect the dots 
Few and fewer hazy spots

You come out of the reverie a new man
And see more than the eyes can

P1024 I look a bit stern

I look a bit stern 
But I'm not really 
It's the crooked teeth when I smile 
That makes me look homely 

I couldn't tell what teeth monalisa had
Crooked too I think she didn't look very glad 

But I don't want a metal in my mouth 
I don't like the dentist down south 

He's got medieval supplies I fear
I feel scared when he comes near

So I'd rather not put my teeth out
Don't want people to pick on me or shout

People aren't nice, they mock and jeer
The say my buck teeth can open a can of beer

They say I look like a Neanderthal 
But deep inside I'm a pretty girl

It's not true I don't do that
I just stay home, alone in my flat

P1023 I could be a fish

I could be a fish but unsure 
Don't have gills at least not anymore 

I could be a myth but I wouldn't know
Lame ass sketch doesn't show 

Identity fucked up don't have a clue 
But the teeth's sharp, think it's new

A little stiff don't think I swim
My belly is stuck future looks grim

How did I get into this shit
I smell so bad I'm losing my wit

Wait maybe this just a bad dream 
I think I'll wake up if I scream

P1022 Where are you taking me

Dude where are you taking me
You don't have eyes I see

I don't want to be eaten 
Or badly beaten 

Where's the rest of my body
Is this some sort of post samadhi 

Are you going to gouge my eyeballs out
I wouldn't see very well, I doubt 

Already this headache is bad
Don't know where but I feel sad 

Are you another weird drawing 
Suvro's crazy is worth showing 

Where does he get to be so weird 
I think it's the lice in his beard 

Well for nothing this life sucked
I'm just a head who's getting fucked



P1019 Jingle bell anyone

"Jingle bell Jingle bell,
Skinned an elf in a bell.
Oh how nice all this vice,
Welcome to Santa's hell

You see my unwashed gown?
I'm in a quarantine motel outside your town.

All the gifts for rich kids I bought,
Will go to the beggars in smelly socks.

But I hate you all, you get elf shit this year
And a stocking full of fear

Or why not I, hit you in the head?
And kick your kids' ribs, asleep in bed?

That should do you in
A cheery thought in the covid grim

Ho Ho Ho

It is a season of holiday cheer 
Everyone should live in mortal fear

Let destiny drive you on an infested course 
While your silly dreams die doing silly chores"


P1017 Horus the sky god

You're horus god of the sky
And look at me, just a middle-aged guy

A wreck, putrid and asinine 
Well below the Indian poverty line

Luck ran out when I spoke my voice 
People hate my guts, falsehood is their choice 

I hope you can take care of the sky
Being a god sitting up high

Because as a human I feel sad
The thin wispy layer is quite bad

We with our fumes and fart
Have made the end of the world to start

Don't know anything anymore 
Everyday the sky is worse than before 

That's why I drew you, can't you save us from us?
Can't you pull us out from under the bus?

You have my support all I can give
I'll be helpful as long as I live


P1015 I'd like a kiss

You miss I'd like a kiss
Don't be pissed please 

A peck is fine for my age
Considering we aren't on the same page

Right here on this bone
Where it's bumpy like a cone
I know it's a skull not a cheek
I know I'm a museum freak 
It once had skin
I had a face had a next of kin

But I never had a good life
I was stabbed bloody with a knife 
And even a bone gets lonely 
It forgets it's all homely 

And you can see through my stare
My life was a grisly nightmare 
It's still alive in its memory 
And wishes to tell its story







P994 Baby chimera

I'm a chimera 
But my mood's off
I hiss when I'm pissed 
I'm throwing a hissy cough 

I can't blow fire yet
I'm sort of still a baby
I'm learning how to get mad
My temper is never a maybe 

You better watch out
I don't much like men
Toxic dumb bipedal apes
I'd much rather snack on snakes


P992 The twilight beast

The sunset melts around me
The sun has gone down
There isn't much to look forward to
The night's approaching this town

I live in the cracks between 
When people fall asleep 
Or when they imagine things 
Quite quick on my feet

It's twilight moments like this
When you're far from safe
When night's fast approaching 
You can never escape 

You can't run away from me
I'm in your mind
There isn't anyone to save you
Or any hope to find

It's just me and you, you know
Your deepest fears are mine
Your nightmares all granted 
Forget the goodbyes, there isn't any time

You better start the screaming now
If you want to try
Because as the blood drains
Your throat is very dry

Forget the exaggerated hopes 
Your worst fear is finally here
It's the twilight beast that's here to feast 
I'm all yours, your nearest dear

You worry too much 
Your mind isn't sound 
I wouldn't worry about the corpse
Nothing about you will be ever found 

P991 Miss India?


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