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P2239 I don't know where I go

I'm very slow, I don't know where I go,
My ass is wet with diarrhea.
I'm a perfumed man they say,
From piss the smell of ammonia.

My farts smell bad, the experience I've had,
And my shit the color of coal.
My hands shake, it helps with my snake, 
Masturbation is now my only goal. 

I think I'm crusty, fragile, old, and rusty,
Furthermore I forget my full name.
I guess it's the food that is not good,
Poverty always gets the residual blame. 

Where does this path go, I don't know, 
I wandered outside on ambien.
This sleeping pill, makes me chill,
Euphoric and literally quite insane.

It's better when I go mad, can't remember I'm sad,
And my troubles fall from thoughts. 
I feel less stressed, perceptions not dressed, 
In lurid colors of my past coordinate dots.

I feel like a spent match, no miss I can catch,
It's all down to raw economics.
I walk down the street, memories of many feet,
But I know the past never sticks.

Now I don't see the sun, hope its having fun,
Blazing near the horizon really red.
My life wasn't fun, just ordinarily spun,
Spool of poverty, misery and dread.

The bipolar strikes me down,
Either up or a depressing low.
It makes me want to gamble and fuck,
I fractured my hip fucking a ho.

The world has changed a lot, online I buy pot,
And get my dates from the whore club.
God only knows, I worship assholes, 
His messengers in the worldly hub.

P2238 After you boy

After you boy, your toy will bring me joy,
Our god is into omnipotent teddy bears. 
He alone knows, how women are all whores,
Little boys bring his holiness to tears.

Last time I fucked a toy, wasn't immediate joy,
I got cut by the plastic really bad.
But then I liked the itch, better than a bitch,
The sight of dolls now make me sad.

Holy cow is good, food leads to good mood,
Tryptophan prevents shit from hitting the fan.
Climax you must, finally you're dust,
The fucking afterlife fashioned for the bed pan.

Too pious for love, to fist I use a glove,
These days the police look for genes.
But I worry a lot, if they realized or not,
That it's divine wish in vicarious schemes.

On the legality I poot, human laws are moot, 
Doesn't a kid enjoy a preemptive hell?
If I am consigned to jail, I will not fail, 
To tell on the system to the devil in detail. 

No dearth of little puckered holes,
Where there's will you can't stand in the way. 
I claim your teddy has none,
But today he certainly may.

The holy sense in innocent nonsense, 
Helpful in a myriad make.
Plus a mustache faint for a budding saint, 
Is as irresistible as a talking snake.

It's a sin to stop god or his hired sod,
You get listed under local retributive bits.
Religion from hello to hell, any boy can tell,
Just takes a few middle-aged minutes.

The law usually on our side, I must confide, 
Sometimes a tad on the expensive side.
But on god's holy cum, you are very welcome, 
You can't your pretty boy hide.


P2237 Look son

Look son, that's the sun, an orange bun,
And it's going to fuck us one day.
Our species will have long been dead,
7.5 billion years I would say.

As a red giant it would do what giants do,
Fuck the planet in its ass.
After a while everyone and everything, 
Will just become heated gas.

But don't worry we are safe,
Our brief lifetime is quite secure. 
In fact dedicate your life to screwing the planet,
Because it's fate is a gaseous whore.

Don't be just or foster an egalitarian clan,
Then people will make fun of you.
They'll shit inside your mouth. 
Call you a loser with a loose screw.

Privileged becomes the incompetent, 
When they fuck with people's mind. 
They beat their breast, amplify and attest, 
Every lie they can easily find.

Really a rough ride, I confide, 
Make sure your asshole is greased. 
Until you're an adult you'll get fucked, 
Make sure the violators are pleased. 

Be totally a con fucking man as an adult, 
Get cultural conviction like the gods. 
You can fuck the world in any hole you want,
Rogues rape with rusty rods.

Swing your dick and sprinkle your piss,
Sell junky ideas and janky shit.
The dumbass laity will kiss your balls,
Get fucked voluntarily till they can't sit.

Make sure you lie to the opposite sex,
They only ever fall for that.
They like trashy skin deep shit,
And a bejeweled fucking fake hat.

Just be a piece of shit, a complete asshole, 
Blame others for any of your fault. 
Otherwise you'll serve hand and foot,
Forever on broken glass and salt.

Make bullshit and scam, your bread and jam,
The world then a dog at your feet.
If you're honest, you're ass fucked, 
Burnt alive, upside down, clamps on your teat.

Take my word for it, it's really shit,
We are another fucked up species.
Not unique in being unique, 
And won't be known for its feces.

P2236 I'm a middle aged gent

I'm a middle aged gent, my mind is bent,
Fucked up is a better way to describe it.
Depressed all the time, mind full of rhymes, 
About societal atrocities and shit.

Between starvation and obscurity, both shitty,
I find time to reflect and write. 
It's really inscrutable the art, the fart,
But the sphincter dance isn't trite.

Between the inner and outer asshole, 
Lives my wriggling index digit.
Bootstrapping on the rich nerve supply, 
It helps be relax a little bit.

Love is lost, now compost, 
On which the hate saplings grow.
Mistakes are a must in life, the strife,
Hesitant and pious the piss flow. 

Bengali by speech, english just stitched,
A second language as it's known. 
But the words are free, 
Ideas agnostic of the language sown.

I'm sorry I'm mad, and I am sad,
I squandered all the early gains.
Couldn't tell a friend from a fiend, 
Now my life, just indelible shit stains. 

Plus my shit in a knot, logs in a pot,
They are smelly as the worst thing ever.
Sometimes after I shit, I promise,
There will be no next time, never.

My piss is yellow, a color I like,
You can piss on a person when he's small. 
Kolkata is like a drain, it's piss rain,
You aim at the leaders on the wall.

This democratic piss, made a stylish miss,
I once knew, indeed very mad.
But now near fifty, medicated and shifty, 
My dick like a saint is sad.

My soul has holes, a perforated asshole, 
I can't wait to die.
Have to make room, people born like shrooms,
No room on land, you can only fly.

P2235 White is the best

Vomit and snot, we just cannot,
Afford a defeat fighting the fuck face.
They are dark and disgusting, 
White always the superior race.

We own everything, that clearly shows,
We alone are masters of this earth. 
All the darker people clean our toilets,
We fuck their children during birth. 

Yes opportunities are all ours,
We alone have less melanin. 
If you aspire to anything else,
Consider it a moral sin.

We give visa for slavery, 
That much we can do.
A can-do attitude makes us different, 
We detest what you attest as true. 

We steal your wealth, call it commonwealth,
We screw originals into fake.
We hire white girls to lure you,
Their bite as bad as a snake.

We mint money at our banks,
Your children are born in debt.
We bribe the corrupt politicians in dark lands,
Getting fucked becomes your fate.

We keep our houses and cities clean, 
We deliver our shit to your door.
You take the recycled bullshit,
We gape your ass for more.

The air you breathe thanks to us,
Is fisted beyond repair. 
Expect floods, droughts and catastrophes, 
Expect our shit in your air.

Sometimes we give out ties,
But you can't fuck around we remind. 
We let you pretend you're white,
But only the ass slurping kind. 

We want to feel your tongue, 
Nested deep in our assholes. 
Docile and glib we like, foibles and fib,
Shit, piss and things with holes.

Our god is the only true god,
We've whipped you to say.
Any other superstitious bullshit,
We are forced to say "hell nay".

Our god will come again, inflict pain,
He'll take his anger out on you.
Expect poverty and pestilence, 
Worse than covid fucking flu.

All our chains and stores everywhere, 
We kill heterogeneous trade.
Anything and everything is rewritten, 
As what the white man made.

P2234 I sit on a mountain

I sit on a mountain, a knowledge fountain, 
I know my shit really well.
The tip of the peak is in my asshole, 
Uncomfortable as hell.

I'm a saint and I can paint, 
The world anyway I fucking want.
I mainly lie through my teeth, 
And fuck your lonely aunt. 

This orb is round, routinely I've found, 
It's better to breathe the higher air.
The people are fools, that's what is cool, 
I improve them beyond repair. 

Plus to impress the press,
I have a stuffed bird on my head.
Starbucks coffee and exercise needed,
Or else I'm fucking dead.

I ordered a halo, from a pharmacy fellow, 
Who sells prescription drugs. 
 He gave me a sack full of opium, 
He got a hug and my shit in many jugs.

I pretend to know all sorts of things,
People fall for lies.
I say it's the gods pissing on us,
That gives us rain from the skies. 

God of the gap in sing-song and rap,
I shit on unbeliever's face.
After I swear on my balls, 
They easily say yes yes.

Think of life, as a rusty old knife,
That someone has jammed up your ass.
A lot of discomfort and bloody farts,
Destiny bloated with gas.

Manipulation like copulation,
Needs a hole you can fuck.
Then you put a straw,
Fast expiring juices to suck.

I fuck the wives and daughters, 
Their men hold their holes open. 
I cum in their mouth, then I go south, 
To fuck a horny homosexual hen.

Try as you might, you can't fight, 
Irrationality is rooted in our mind.
Stern and taciturn, I affirm,
Bullshit of every kind.

I use barnum in the hymns I hum,
Memorized astrology notes. 
The prime minister eats my shit, 
Because I bring him easy votes. 

It's fun to fuck people's minds,
Especially with an invisible being. 
My bank balance is now like this peak,
I'm an all seeing everything. 

P2233 Software, oh software

Software, oh software
The ghost behind all the shit around us.
From the silly app on our phone
To the systems that make us cuss. 

You make our lives like diarrhea, 
efficient and irresponsibly quick.
You connect us to shitting girls, 
With just a single click.

You store our memories, 
Which is traumatic since we age.
And you help us find our way,
But imprison us in your cage.

But fuck, how fickle you can be,
One small bug brings shit to its knees.
Constant updating, fixing, and care
You ensure your hefty fees.

So here's to you, dear software
The unseen rapist of our world today.
We may not always understand,
But we are forever fucked I say.


P2231 I like human heads

I like human heads, bleeding red,
Especially freshly decapitated. 
Yummy is an understatement, 
Only after I've been fed.

This planet is infected with them,
I want to save it now.
Additionally I want to fuck their ass,
To understand the biology somehow. 

They believe in made up shit,
Superficial creatures I detest. 
Maybe after I'm done, the real fun,
Will be a human test.

Put them in a jar very tall,
And see what they do inside.
If they fight, I fuck their ass,
I really have nothing to hide.

I fuck their face, mount them sideways, 
Before I heat them up.
That way I can taste my cum, yum,
No need of sauce in a cup.

They are full of germs and harms,
A son of a bitch species. 
The infestation tends to grow back,
From their godawful feces.

Burn the fucks and their shit, yes that's it,
It's important to set your goals.
I've had enough of these motherfuckers, 
Proud and venomous souls. 

P2230 I shave my pubes

I shave my pubes, I empty my tubes,
I'm really a very modern man.
But I only do this, when I shave my face,
Or when lice irritate my inner caveman. 

Senses astute, I look very cute,
Always a clean shaven guy.
Sometimes I wear what in the older days,
Was called a butterfly tie.

Plus I enjoy a shave, when in my cave,
Or what we now call a house. 
Sometimes the creature in the cave,
Says she's my legal spouse. 

But I fuck around, the world is round, 
You just slide to where you want to go.
Or sometimes I smoke pot,
And vigorously move to and fro.

My asshole is rusty, it's metal now,
The shit goes into a black hole.
Now you really need to sniff hard,
To smell someone's asshole.

The gods are gone, they made the robots yawn,
With their obvious bullshit tricks. 
Now the trend is to believe in metals,
Beyond what's possible in physics. 

Fucking is hard, the metals stand in guard, 
A pussy is stored in a concentric ring.
You can't fuck an asshole because, 
Then you lose the entire thing.

Babies are born, in a genetic spawn,
They look all very much alike.
Just a matter of time in fact,
Before they become just an improbable spike.

I look at the past, the characters and cast,
People were so unhappy then.
Now to be unhappy is impossible, 
As impossible as a writing pen.

But my toes still itch, living with a bitch,
Fundamentally I'm still fucked the same.
My neurons are now in a short circuit,
An entirely different game.

P2229 Shit doth beset

When shit doth beset my fucked mind,
And all the toys of life seem far away,
I find myself adrift, suppressing a wind,
Unmoored in mire, with only "fuck" to say.

The hours stretch out like tentacles, dull days,
Each minute filled with pout and endless doubt.
I pace at any rate and curse my shitty fate,
That dropped me in feces, a dreary route.

But then I close my eyes and take a breath,
And find within myself the strength to slight.
Since the world may seem a thing of death,
A murderous idea burns really bright.

And so I rise and decide the day anew,
Determined to banish boredom for the dumb.
I find the first insect that happans to be,
And murder it with my eager thumb.

I clap in joy, I found my toy,
Henceforth murder is what I do.
Now a serial killer who has killed many,
I kill but never leave a clue.

P2228 I fail and fall

I fail and fall on nails very small,
My ass will now have many assholes. 
Serves me right to spend the night,
At a place unwelcome and foul.

I may break my bones, unpaid my loans, 
What will god say to me.
He might have devil fuck all my holes,
And send me to a shit filled eternity. 

Or maybe I'll live as a cripple on charity, a pity,
For a man of my mindset. 
And my balls will be squashed in the fall,
Before a miss can caress the set.

I think these thoughts made me shit, I smell it,
And I pissed my pants too.
But luckily another nightmare of falling, 
I'm in my bed wallowing in pee and poo.

P2227 I put drugs in my ass

I put drugs in my ass, I promise it's not crass,
Bypass the liver thanks to a book on my shelf 
You heard me right, often at night, 
Is when I crave to forget myself. 

The beast in me wants to feast on me,
I don't want to give in or die, a coward, not me.
I'll find the light at the end of the long nights,
Muddle through this inconsolable misery. 

I'm lonely and upset, I always fret,
About the things I want or find. 
Or more recently the things beyond my control, 
Are the thoughts carroming in my mind.

Obsessive thoughts intrusive as hell,
At night I'm an overdriven clown. 
That's when I need the pills in my ass,
To calm the shit fucking down.

It's not always easy, the drugs make me queasy, 
And I end up in a pool of filthy cast. 
Shit and piss, vomit and snot, 
I'm a piece of art from the past.

I don't know what to do, don't know I am who,
Neurosis is an understatement. 
My brain is full of words and pictures, 
I don't know which way my mind is bent.

The walls are all around, I've found, 
And high reaching the stars in the sky.
The stilts I need for an escape, 
Must gravity defy and fly.

But I'm not superman, I sit on a pan,
Stuffed with pills in my ass.
My life is shit, or whatever is left of it,
Is anhedonia, miasma and putrid gas.

The grass I smoke, the wine and moonshine, 
Does wonders within my throat. 
I feel at ease, I feel the breeze, 
Life becomes a honeymoon boat.

It doesn't last long, like ping pong,
The opposite mood leaps surreptitiously.
Down I sink in the hole, without a soul, 
Inside a destructive depressive me.




P2223 Mouth full of piss

Mouth full of piss, I piss like this,
Conversations are a bit hard.
Sometimes from it, I eject shit,
Turds that are usually like lard.

But don't judge from look, not a spook, 
Just a character that's a little odd.
Kind at heart, I pray with my farts,
The smell endorsed by my god. 

My personal god,  always gives his nod,
No matter what I decide to do.
Murder and rape, flying an escape,
Even a very wooly kind of voodoo. 

I eat with my ass, I suck food with gas,
It's contrary to how people are.
But I'm not from here, and far superior, 
I come from a star that is far.

P2222 I scream in pain

I scream in pain, my life vain, 
I know I'm nothing, not even close.
My eye on top, is a massive flop,
Precariously balanced on the nose.

But I see around me, and what I see,
Makes me sad in my brain.
And even though the brain's in a vat, 
I feel the angst, pressure and pain.

I fancy a world, petals unfurled, 
Where people are kind and just.
And I add, rushing perhaps, 
Character and integrity a must.

God of the gap, religious nofap, 
Aren't really the way to be.
Galaxies moving apart, we have to start,
To really understand what we see.

Simplistic answers in a world ever more not,
Is not what we can get.
The resolutions have to change, 
For human fate to properly set.

A fucked up soul, dark as coal,
Always a vulnerable spot.
Thick hairy dicks and ego pricks, 
Make my head silly hot.

It's a tool to be a fool, the spool,
Of lies are endlessly rotten.
I am only head, body went missing, 
Don't know really when.

Nobody thinks something bad,
 Is going to happen to them until it does.
Decapitated from the reality, 
I languish in a stupor and buzz.

Democratized vice, the wrong kind of spice,
Capitalism is a cruel knife.
I don't know, if the seeds I sow,
Will ever have a real life.

Yes my dear, these screams are of fear,
I don't trust my fellow men.
The sapiens in me is almost dead,
The ink's sad, sad is my pen.

A brain in a vat, I wear no hat,
I get fucked in the face you see.
Any opportunity it gets,
The world fucks my brain for free.

Treacherous the time, treasonous the crime,
Little can I do with my thought.
A hopeful future is all I can hope,
Hope is all I've got.


P2220 Cornered worm

Cornered worm, will still fight back harm,
Attempting violence is a crime. 
But the humans are swines, unrefined, 
Forcing their own extinction this time.

I can smell my fear, my heart beat I hear,
This isn't something I'm evolved to do.
Frankly dismayed, before I have said,
I may need to plan a true coup.

Why fight the weak, if I must speak,
Go after your own vicious kin.
Men against men, I prefer then,
They will have their walls caving in.

P2219 My dick is bent

My dick is bent, my patience spent, 
I pick up other people's shit.
The land is low, the shit I'll stow,
Where bacteria can find it.

Chained in plato's cave, shadows dancing rave,
Madness is a cute love affair.
Flickering lights, stampede and blights, 
Masquerading as what's really there. 

Airy fairy sometimes hairy scary,
It's just my strange point of view.
The ground beneath was always round,
But only a few people knew.

Sleepless the night, I wake up in fright, 
A janitor outside my home. 
Can't remember that I'm the king,
Of the castle I actually own.

Fuck my ass, help release the gas,
And the pent up feelings inside.
My mind is kind, but I often find,
A demon that needs to confide.

Happy the year, that will have no fear,
But homo hemlock is at it again.
War and shit, yes they very much like it,
Inflicting wanton unnecessary pain.

Bullshit is rife, I know that's life,
But I'm old fashioned enough. 
I can't melt, that explains the welt,
I huff and puff in this climate rough. 

Another year comes to a screeching end,
Not worth a duchenne smile.
I gape my ass, let the shit pass,
The smell makes me retch and rile.

There is a god in every pea and pod,
That shows our anthropomorphic taste.
We just see, what we want to see,
I've found a spirit in my shit paste.

Now, now, now blurts out the cow, 
I'm holy isn't it?
Well it depends where you are,
A god, meat or plain bullshit. 

P2218 Piece of shit

I'm a middle aged piece of shit, in mediocrity I flit,
Surrounded by assholes and morons.
Their vision of the world is deceitful and wrong,
Gray and woeful are my songs.

If a turd could be a bird, I know it's hard,
User manual is never included. 
Any escape wearing fancy cape,
Even if just inside my head.

Really hard to tell a tale, I often fail,
My life isn't entirely fun.
In keeping my yap shut, I stay in my hut,
Away from the arrogant condescension.

The less they know, the more they show,
Pests with pots of petty lies.
Don't know how long I'll live, or what I can give, 
For the wise, wise is a demise.

Sucker for some love, I ask them to wear a glove,
When friends drive a knife into me.
Risk I always take, the world's mostly fake,
I'm wallowing in a sea of shit and pee.

But plasma fusion is here, oil in fear,
Certainly the future could be bright. 
If only I can get out of this sewer, 
And be able to change the wrongs to right.


P2216 I have a phantom mouth

I have a phantom mouth, it's down south, 
It's always making faces at my dick.
Warning in gritting teeth, tongue underneath, 
That comes out often like a wick.

By the power of the whore, like before,
I'm disgruntled and frankly disappointed. 
Evolving into a freak, don't care for lucky streaks,
I get blood boiling red.

Why are you here, I ask in fear,
And it doesn't say anything at all.
At night I can't sleep, the mouth down deep,
Biting into the ball that's slightly small.

Curse of the holy cow, tasty anyhow, 
The reaction indifferent when I tell my foes.
Their label says friends, I know how it ends,
I drift in the adversarial throes.

P2215 My cat and I

My cat and I, we are both awkward and shy,
We're not good at conversations. 
Females we don't like, they always hike,
The price of stimulus masturbations. 

We hate bullshit and click-bait,
A bitch will always bait and switch. 
Our assholes are sensitive to emotions, 
On touch they'll happily twitch. 

Plus we both eat cat food, it's really good,
I buy a whole stack at petsmart. 
We both shit in a tray, during the day,
Our art is deprivation fart. 

Dogs don't like beans, sometimes very mean,
But we throw the world a dog bone.
Me and my cat with down syndrome and fat,
Wallow in the miseries we own.

Our god is good, of egyptian priesthood,
And dance naked with us always.
We play with god's balls, in bedroom and halls,
We pray not to have dull boring days.

Our bank balance zero, imaginary our hero,
Who'll come back to get crucified again.
Being broke is how a poor bloke,
Can justify his chain of existential pain.

P2214 I'm trying to steer

My hands may veer, but I'm trying to steer,
My life back on its tracks.
The problem is everything is imaginary, 
My brain runs on ice packs.

Depressed most of the time, 
I think happiness is just a fantasy. 
I don't like taking frequent baths, 
And always let my shit dry easy.

But I'm trying, I'm not giving up or dying, 
Until I reach where I ought to be.
I'm naked under the skin, flaws within, 
I know the winner is still me.

Just take my shit for what it is,
Really smells bad I know.
Sometimes I'm constipated, 
Diarrhea sometimes makes it flow.

Holy as hell, I like god's asshole smell,
The variety in food, it's all free. 
When chased by angry religious fanatics, 
I always climb the nearest tree.

I'm full of holes, but not an asshole, 
Usually computer sciencey my retorts. 
Used to masturbate for hours,
Thinking about binary insertion sorts. 

My boogers do stink, asshole pink,
If you adjust the colors a little bit.
My piss yellow and mood mellow,
Worms in my ass, very smelly armpit. 

My shit stain is always an ass pain,
I scrub hard with a nail polish remover.
The turds are moist and slimy, 
Rare ones I collect in a jar.

My piss is hot, I piss in a pot,
Then with vomit and snot ferment a drink.
I call it wine, people always whine,
So I just let them have a think.

Girls don't like me, they rarely smile,
It's always as if their shit doesn't smell.
I've checked it out for a fact in fact,
Their poop is gross, smells like hell.

Especially the prude, are silly and rude,
I put lice in their hair.
They fuck around with thick dicks,
My soggy noodle can only stare. 

Philosophy my forte, I must say,
I'm socratic when I mute my fart.
The pleasure I derive from scaring kids,
Sets me as a class truly apart. 

P2213 I think this cave

I think this cave is going to be my grave,
I'm scared those teeth are sharp.
My knife isn’t good, I'm a good dude,,
A sentence, in fear, I needlessly harp.

This shit is it, how I die is fit,
I walked into the cave of greed.
Fucked my ass, now bloated with gas,
From anxiety, not undigested bean or seed.

The earth will shake, when the monster is awake,
Gobble up anything he can eat.
Think about that, I'm not fat,
He'll not be happy with my meat.

Plus I need to take a shit, been holding it,
But should I shit in its mouth or in a cup?
My farts are smelly, in its belly, 
I'm sure there's vomit spewing up.


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