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P2540 Holy my cum

Holy my cum, yummy yum yum, 
Just like the gods want. 
Creamy and green, glimmering thing, 
Only if a miss could spare a cunt. 

Most of the days it's watermelony, 
No sperm fit to swim or fret. 
Anyway these are lazy bengali sperms, 
Alive only when you flush the toilet. 

Porn has lost its childhood charm, 
In fact the entire platform of cunts. 
Just a double slit experiment, 
My dick no longer wants. 

So it's down to fingering the asshole, 
And praying to god's pubic cone. 
Visualizing how gods fuck, helps, 
Naked in hell fire and brimstone. 

Grinning gay gods gaping games, 
A favorite of a hindoo fanatic like me. 
I always inspected behind the idols, 
And fingered their asshole to see. 

Woody the woodpecker had a chequered past, 
A shriveled profile to boot. 
But the nipples are hyper-sensitive, 
They are black as soot. 

The asshole was once pink and pollyannaish, 
Now only brown, puckered and morose. 
It's more about futility, farts and shits, 
Than figuratives of penetrative prose. 

Now I orgasm when I shit, something holy about it, 
I hear the gods fart in unison. 
Less likely I have approval from mortals, 
Who'd deem it as a sex con. 

When I was sixteen I could cum sixteen, 
And that too in a day. 
Now once a month, then it'll be a year, 
I'll be dead this coming may.

Soon one day the sperm will, 
March out one at a time in piss. 
I'll teach local kids how to count, 
Based on just this.

Thus will end my suffering, 
From the cycle of eat and shit. 
One day I'll turn into a turd, 
And well, that's it. 

P2539 A bird watcher

A bird watcher, tad wide, I confide, 
But this city has built benches cheap. 
"Make in India" fucks duck ass, 
Now I look like a creep. 

The state and country run by goons, 
Centralized dick and decentralized cunt. 
My throat runs quickly dry when I try, to get up, 
But traditionally I mustn't and I shan't. 

In this status anxiety bengalis go potty, 
With onus to blame invisible beings. 
Thus I'm unable as you can tell, 
I pray to the foreskin of jesus in saturn's rings. 

Fake degrees galore mostly ordinary whores, 
Now at the helm of this or that. 
I gain weight trying to keep my shit straight, 
You can't really call me fat. 

I sit, I sit, then I shit, 
It oozes out of me like toothpaste. 
330 million hindoo gods to clean up, 
In my nature there's no haste. 

Podgy hotch potch my shit like butter scotch, 
Creamy and with bubbles of bengali stink. 
My rice always fried, ghee from cow tits,, 
The cow is holy, it's piss I also drink. 

The chicks hate my body odor, 
Somehow they can smell my asshole. 
How nasty their thinking, 
When I am a pure unadulterated soul. 

The gods piss me off too, 
They get all the good food. 
Food is all I care about, 
Already famished, eat, yes I could. 

P2538 Baba Kali

P2537 Happy Birthday to Me, April 16 1975.

48 years ago on 16th April, 
A little piece of shit was born. 
He was boring out of the box, 
But he did really like porn. 

This was mister suvrotica, 
The legendary asshole who stinks. 
Culture is what people do when no one's looking, 
He's less arrogant if his turd sinks. 

Cunts and can'ts don't like him, 
Dishonest people fear his schlong. 
His dick is short but ridden with ills, 
The list of diseases is very long. 

Shit fucking smart, shit spraying fart,
"Hello" he says to the unholy unwelcome.
Tit for tat, he shits in bloody twats,
On-your-face holy cumin seed cum.

Always a bladder full for gods, 
Religious people pisses him off. 
The scourge for holy debates, 
He shits in their mouth through a trough. 

Currently persevering on a book of curse, 
Which after his death will release. 
Each word as shit hit the nearest fan, 
And choke enemy anuses with disease. 

He doesn't have any friends living near, 
Most in kolkata are jealous kith and kin. 
These are shit stains of satan, 
Piss and spit bubbles of sin. 

Only fat infants tolerate him some, 
Owing to loose shit in their pants. 
They eat glamorous portions, 
While he sits there and rants. 

His pubic lice is not very nice, 
Nor are the pesky worms in his asshole. 
He takes a bath once a leap year, 
Or when the devil renews his soul. 

In this season of mango and hope, 
His diarrhea hits the floor flat with a splat. 
The heat has got to his head, it is said, 
He talks to himself alone in his flat. 

In a drum he stores his cooked cum, 
Scum deletes most of his forlorn progeny. 
His DNA will be useful for nefarious uses, 
Untold truthful miseries for many. 

Anyone he did right, always did him wrong, 
Now in tattered loin cloth he knows. 
The world is a selfish festering cancer, 
An endless tumor of pimps and hoes. 

He now shows his asshole to the world, 
And poots his hate on it's face. 
He has a litany of reasons to be mad, 
He carries a full briefcase. 

His shit smells bad and his vomit too, 
On this day, masturbate, he swears he'd try. 
He lives in a slum on a shit hill, 
Today he'd try to get birthday high. 

Super holy and sticky his birthday shit, 
Preserved with his fart and stale piss. 
Bottles will go on sale, wholesale, 
Rush, an offer you don't want to miss. 





P2532 I shit you not

I shit you not, it's so hot, 
The sun has lost its mind. 
I'll give an arm and leg for a peg, 
Or maybe two, and cool off my rind. 

Yeah just get drunk and dehydrated, 
And then dead from bootleg beat. 
Kolkata is renowned for methyl, 
And cheap shit that kills like the heat. 

Someone said it's the new year's heat, 
Like the fresh hooker's diarrhea. 
The comfort of fucking that warm ass, 
And thinking sodomy a panacea. 

The heat is getting hot I can tell, 
Fireworks and fires everywhere. 
The bells of hell, hello miss smells, 
That's Calvin Klein I swear. 

My piss is dry, I feel like a fry, 
My shit has become fart in this heat. 
Too bad the gods are indoors, 
Their made up miasma needed a treat. 

The ground is hot, the round bengali girls not, 
I've stopped looking at their game. 
Full of sand their cunts and belligerence, 
I pity the ones getting married to them. 

I wait for night, for blight, 
The rainbow in a spectrum not visible. 
It's really all in my mind, heat is not kind, 
I see the bubbles in my brain cell.

An overpopulation of mindless folks, 
A city of coy for the rotund. 
Unplanned stickers of mirth fill the void, 
Depravities never run out of fund. 

P2530 Bengali new year

A decapitated dick and remnant piss,
The balls look too good.
The bengali race is dead,
I feast on their balls for food.

It's the bengali new year,
Time for the rich to get diabetic.
Their narcissistic shit smells sweet,
Lies become insistent and pathetic.

The poor of course have no festivals,
They have no celebratory race.
They are fucked in their ass and luck,
And in the April, heat-fucked in the face.

Not many years ago, 
The moguls fucked the bengali ass with a plough. *
Moguls are erased from syllabus now, 
But we celebrate their shadow somehow. 

Time to dress up the pubic parts,
Poles and holes look alike.
Powdered fool with gold rush drool,
The leaders blaring the mic.

All assholes in degrees of growth,
Selfish and motivated by coins.
Bengal today is fucked beyond repair, 
No cloth to cover the lurid loins.

New year, new gods and new scams, 
Bengal now synonym for deceit. 
Just open your mouth wide open, 
A city full of sweet bengali shit. 

An overpowering stench of gods,  
Their shit smeared on the walls near. 
Soulless hollow masks for people, 
Celebrate with rancid cheer. 

A galumphing gargantuan grotesque race, 
Proud of a past faint as air. 
It's the fart that's an art in it's after thought, 
When the shit loses its flair. 

Every year a travesty of excuses, 
There's no scruples, conscience or guilt. 
Like the bath of a sonagachhi whore, 
All superficial paint job and stilt. 

Happy new year everyone, 
Hopefully you shit well this year. 
Hope is a hoax that I try to coax, 
After the first turd head is clear. 

*The history of the Bengali New Year dates back to the Mughal Empire in India. Emperor Akbar, who reigned from 1556 to 1605, introduced the Bengali calendar in 1584 AD (963 AH) to streamline tax collection in the region known as Bengal, which was then under Mughal rule. The Bengali calendar was based on a combination of the Islamic Hijri calendar and the Hindu solar calendar.

This coincide with ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims observe a month-long period of fasting and spiritual reflection. The word "Ramadan" is derived from the Arabic word "Ramad," which means scorching heat, and it is believed that this month is so named because it was during this month that the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

Originally, the Bengali calendar followed the lunar cycle, with the new year falling on the first day of the month of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. However, due to inconsistencies between the lunar and solar calendars, agricultural activities and tax collection became challenging. To resolve these issues, the Bengali calendar was reformed by Amartya Ray, a renowned astronomer of the time, during Akbar's reign. The reformed calendar, known as the 'Fasli San,' followed the solar cycle, and the new year began on the first day of the month of Boishakh.



P2527 I studied hard

I studied hard, now a retard,
Education is a scam, thank you ma'am. 
I shouldn't have paid attention in school, 
My life now a bamboo wham bam.

I could've been a goon, fed with spoon, 
By the governments for their misdeeds spree. 
Truthful and honest an expensive pest, 
No one wants such labors even for free. 

Were I gullible, I could spread, until dead, 
The word of god, 
That's a velcro that needs new spin, 
But me as a choice is odd. 

I'll die dry and hungry for knowledge, 
My eternal quest for more. 
I think about all this, as I sketch, 
The next shit fucking whore. 

I've gone mad they say, 
Some say at dawn I bite. 
That's good morning to my fans, 
A little something for their spite. 

Certainly I've lost my mind, 
Who wouldn't in my place. 
I've been in the most unkind crannies, 
And nooks where live kooks with hideous faces. 

I won't be alive for long, 
Loneliness kills fast. 
But I'd still rather stay outside, 
Judging by my past. 

P2526 How pretty this hole

How pretty this hole, and holy too, 
Favorite of the gods that give pain. 
It's my asshole in case your english is weak, 
Shit, fart, and pleasure to gain.

Wellspring of civilization it is, 
A partner to piss spout on the side. 
The balls are hairy and heavy, 
I say this with a lot of male pride. 

I look in the mirror and say hello to my hole, 
No miss wants to kiss. 
I live on a mountain by the sun, 
The river is really my piss. 

The sun is hot, diarrhea in a pot, 
Was the result of this heat. 
Holiest the best whose shit passes god's test, 
The winner sucks god's teat. 

My future right in the blight, 
Horny the worms in my asshole. 
They make love to each other, 
While I scratch the bloody hole. 

The dump today was good, 
It was a gigantic turd pile.
The smell was bad, the gods went mad, 
Now I rest for a while. 

P2525 I w...

I will keep writing even as a ghost, 
For those planning my murderous end. 
My pen will keep on moving as if by wind, 
No power can my will bend. 

Truth hurts I know, baby, 
And I am a spiny porcupine. 
I've digested enough bullshit in this life, 
Guaranteed not to be fine. 

The alliteration rattling in your head, you wet your bed,
The prose verbose, characters gross.
The low class lurid I find alluring,
Can't deny I am a nihilistic force.

So fuck you all, and fuck everything, 
I can't wait to start to hate anew. 
There's no energy in many possibilities, 
As there are in few. 

So I have no faith in concensus, 
Especially that wrought by fools. 
I'd rather live by my own rules, 
In a cave built from my own tools. 

P2551 Suck my tongue

Suck my tongue, hurry my son, 
The heaven will reward you. 
It will be a membership to my tribe, 
Your future will be stew. 

Onstage tongue, behind dung, 
Yes my asshole you naughty boy. 
Your job to clean it after, 
I play with my favorite toy. 

For the uninformed this be known, 
It's really the ass from which god is pulled out. 
Traditionally gullible boys and women thus, 
Divinely selected as fit scout. 

You'll learn all kinds of monastic shit, 
Things that'll make you like me. 
Your holes will be mine and your will, 
Now do you see?

Instead of milk you get very high holiness holy cum,
 Very thick and creamy you'd love the taste. 
In this famine of social motivations, 
You brush with my holy shit paste. 

I'll frequently finger you fondly, 
But my men may be rough at times. 
We just say peaceful confusing things, 
To allay the fear of retributive crimes.

There's nothing supernatural, 
It's always poles and holes.
Throw in power and mercenaries, 
To heaven goes the shit-faced souls. 

P2544 When covid fucks your ass

When covid fucks your ass, you can't smell your gas, 
And left gasping for some air. 
One day I go out, lungs in utter rout, 
No wonder I'm losing my pubic hair.

The holes in my ass through which gas must pass, 
Causes decibels because it's small. 
So at least I can hear my fart, it's an art, 
Decapitated smell never me, that's all. 

But this is Suvro, I shoot my shit like a whore,
Ain't gonna let a shit bit worry me some. 
I'll fuck the billion XBB dot one dot sixteen,
And on their collaborating face I'll cum.

You wanna see some pluck, I make you suck, 
And "Corona fucking bitch," I noisily pitch. 
The shit you say might hit the fan, 
I shit in your spherical mouth without a hitch. 

And if I die, well, good riddance, 
I welcome my kith and kin the carrion king. 
They would skin me first to the red flesh, 
And then to the bones and then nothing. 

But other than cannibalistic use, 
There's nothing in a bank or anywhere. 
Just a few underwear and boxer shorts, 
Tattered shirts and invisible angst I wear. 

Dreams I could never reach, my scrotal peach, 
My rubbery and hairy asshole. 
This birth was a waste, like semen paste, 
That's about to be flushed down a toilet hole. 

The wistful spirit wouldn't wish someone cared, 
It wouldn't matter I'd be on a murder spree. 
I'll hunt down every organic matter that did harm, 
I'll set them free. 

Once they are ghosts I'll fuck their ass, 
Yes corona you too, 
I'll make you suck my shit smeared cock, 
Then I'll flush you down devil's loo. 

And with every swirl of a turd, there'll be a bird, 
I call it fuck you cuckoo. 
It will sing a fart, and with that will start,
The destruction of this human zoo. 

What's the ideal clique size? Well, computationally, it's not polynomially bounded, and given that very few of us have anyone to talk our hearts out to, it makes it a problem only for the future artificial superintelligence.

In Kolkata specifically, tempers run amok. There's a lot of vitriol and spit, and I go deaf. The situations are inescapably close; not only are you forced to share the decibels and stray saliva floating your way, but you can almost feel the warmth of animosity or the offending fart.

I caught a virus—an inevitable thing that happens to the immune-compromised Skinner's rats. I point my finger in accusatory chagrin at the sniffling weaklings that I suspect were the obnoxious vectors.

Anyway, it's a good thing my clique size is zero, and I have no chance of passing it on to the rest of the population. And since my sojourn is limited to the alleyways in my limited imagination, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that I disappoint this lineage of viruses that have infected me. Had I been a social bee, by now half the direly oppressed town would have another onus and set of loose snots to worry about.

P2543 Higher asking price?

If we think about what makes a software engineering team valuable to a project. The answer is simple: they are the ones who can turn an idea into a functional piece of software that can change the world. So, how can we showcase this value and justify a higher asking price?

There are several factors that contribute to the team's value, including their technical skills, communication, collaboration, and ability to adapt to changing project requirements.

First and foremost, technical skills are essential for a software engineering team to add value to a project. They must have a deep understanding of software development concepts, programming languages, and development frameworks. Additionally, they should be proficient in using the latest tools and technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, to develop cutting-edge software solutions.

However, technical skills alone are not sufficient. A team's ability to communicate effectively is also crucial for the success of a project. Effective communication ensures that all team members understand the project's objectives and requirements. It also enables them to work collaboratively towards achieving those goals. Thus, communication is the key to building a strong and cohesive software engineering team.

Collaboration is another vital factor that contributes to a team's value. A successful software engineering team should be able to work together seamlessly to achieve their common objectives. They should be willing to share their expertise and knowledge and help each other out when needed. Collaboration fosters a positive work environment where team members can learn from each other and grow together. Furthermore, the ability to adapt to changing project requirements is also crucial. Projects often change over time, and a software engineering team must be flexible enough to adjust to those changes. This includes being able to work with new tools and technologies, as well as being able to pivot when necessary.

One approach to ascertain value quantitatively could be to focus on the team's expertise and the quality of their work. Start by highlighting the experience and skills of each team member, and how their unique perspectives and abilities contribute to the success of the project. Showcase the team's past projects and the impact they have had on the industry, and emphasize how their work can help take the client's project to a more proficient level.

Another strategy could be to demonstrate the team's efficiency and ability to deliver results quickly. Show how the team's methodology and approach can help the client save time and resources, and how their fast turnaround times can help the client stay ahead of the competition.

It could also be effective to leverage the team's creativity and ability to innovate. Highlight how their out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving skills can help the client create a truly unique and cutting-edge product that stands out in the marketplace.

It's important to emphasize the intangible benefits of working with a top-tier software engineering team, such as the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the project is in expert hands, and the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the industry.

With a multi-faceted approach and showcasing the team's expertise, efficiency, innovation, and intangible benefits, a higher asking price for their involvement in projects can be justified. 

One way to represent the relationship between experience, expertise, and the other factors that contribute to pay is through the following equation:

Pay = Base Rate + 
(Experience x Expertise) x 
(Quality x Value) x 
(Complexity x Creativity) x 
(Results x  Reputation x Risk)

In this equation, the base rate represents a fixed compensation that is determined by factors such as market rates, the client's budget, and other external factors. The rest of the equation represents the additional compensation that is earned based on the individual's experience, expertise, and other relevant factors. Notice they are all multiplicative, good increases it several fold but bad does the damage as quickly. 

Experience: You have years of experience in the industry and have completed similar projects successfully in the past.

Expertise: You possess unique skills and knowledge that are crucial to the success of the project. You are an expert in your field, and your insights and advice are highly valued.

Time: The project requires a significant amount of time and effort to complete, and you are willing to invest that time and effort to ensure its success.

Quality: You are committed to delivering high-quality work and ensuring that the project meets or exceeds expectations.

Complexity: The project is complex and requires advanced technical knowledge and expertise to complete. You are one of the few people who can successfully navigate this level of complexity.

Creativity: The project requires innovative thinking and creative problem-solving skills, which you possess in abundance.

Results: You have a track record of delivering results and meeting or exceeding project goals and objectives.

Value: Your involvement in the project adds significant value to the client and their business, and you deserve to be compensated accordingly.

Reputation: Your reputation in the industry is impeccable, and your involvement in the project enhances its credibility and reputation.

Risk: There is a certain amount of risk involved in the project, and your involvement helps mitigate that risk and increase the chances of its success. As such, you deserve to be compensated for taking on that risk.

P2542 Basic unmet needs

I've got mouths to feed, basic unmet needs, 
Poverty has fucked my pious ass. 
Vitamin deficient not a penny or cent, 
Just reverse peristalsis and petty gas. 

 Not holy my hole when shit like coal, 
Offered then to the god in prayer pose. 
Small painful tumors everywhere, 
Look like eyes, lips and nose. 

The gods with the rich, eat sandwich, 
I saw with my "wound" eyes. 
Poverty makes your tumors think, 
What you normally ignore as flies. 

Shit fuck gets stuck, constipated luck, 
I pull the turd out with a fashioned tool. 
Manly the head of the shit is the culprit, 
The rest is the usual svelte stool. 

My stoic stool and disapproved drool, 
Have red stains of misery inscribed. 
The worms in my shit are vociferous, 
With words their hunger can't be bribed. 

My piss is a palette pale, always stale, 
It reeks of ammonia out of the tap. 
My semen dried into corn flakes, 
I never use any cap. 

Plus I don't dare to ask a miss for a fuck, 
Even if my dick could manage to stand. 
The bengali cunts are podgy and belligerent, 
I hope you understand. 

They smell my crack, and are never seen back, 
I sit on the stairs stirring time and tea.
They like shiny and clean assholes, 
I do understand their disappointment with me. 

Death to my enemies, 
A dismembered future for them. 
I suck at voodoo and curse, 
Otherwise I'm a gem. 

These are snakes in men form, 
They are villainous and vile. 
I hope they eat shit and choke, 
Every murderous turd worthwhile. 

Anyway, fuck everyone, 
Go to hell I tell you all. 
I'll just continue to finger my asshole, 
And keep scratching my balls small. 

When I'm dead think of me as a turd, 
Just a bland and boring bengali piece of shit. 
Just look away muttering misgivings, 
And flush me with the rest of it. 



P2538 Old and withered

Old and withered, shriveled balls and all, 
Fuck this world, I've got nothing to say. 
Men and maggots, whores and faggots, 
Mercenaries and shitsouls get the day. 

I pick my nose, I shit in the vertical pose,
Hallelujah to the snot god for the cream. 
Yes cream from the nose and ass, drool and gas, 
I say "fuck you" to him in every dream. 

It's okay, my life is spent; I am now impotent.
What the fuck do you expect?
I sit and think until my shit dries on my ass.
Thoughts and shit convivially intersect. 

Holy, I thought, turned an unholy rot,
Just ordinary folks making shit up. 
Now I know, god is a hoe, 
On its name, I piss in a used cup. 

I say, "Please god, SHIT, you're so full of it,
I swear I won't turn and look."
And anyway, if indeed your asshole is your mouth, 
Then the liberty I already took. 

I'm just sad, my balls are droopy, and bad.
The seminal juice had its day. 
Now, quick, watery vomit,
I hang my head in utter dismay. 

My inner torment, through my shit is spent, 
And on the shit hole my hours I toil. 
A purgatory of diarrheal descent, 
The germs of dissent then mix in the soil. 

If dick farts are bad, I've nothing to add, 
Just a listless puff now and then. 
But my asshole is unclenched, and the stench, 
Can fuck the dimwit devil in his damn den. 

And on my dry shit cakes, I've sworn to fight the fakes, 
And fuck their asshole into a gape. 
Let it be known, in great renown, that I am, 
Ready for any caper and without a cape. 

P2537 Poles and holes

Poles and holes, the same old roles, 
I wait for the refractory brew. 
Plus the dick is burning from the friction, 
Forgot to lubricate the rock hole too.

Platonic well maybe in poetry, 
But ultimately it's friction. 
That's laws of physics as you know, 
Real or masturbation. 

Fuck, plus I feel horny when full of shit, 
And orgasm when taking a dump. 
What does that tell us about me, 
I know, puts me in a rotten slump.

Today the turds were plump, 
Healthy and vivacious I would say. 
Too bad they don't have much time, 
To see the joys of the day.

I give my turds the names of gods, 
They represent the immature soul.
Of course if I divulge the names, 
I'd get pelted as an asshole.

I am only sixteen I masturbate equally, 
Egalitarian always my outlook. 
Ate something of late gave me worms, 
Worms with hook. 

I'm getting into the asshole, 
Thanks to these worms like shard. 
Planning on a dildo, too bad for the gods,
Won't be plump, instead all massacred. 





P2532 Two faced crooks

Two faced crooks, has India shook,
You should fuck their face.
You force your dick through one mouth,
Till it emerges out of the other surface.

Every nook and cranny, evil and zany,
These fucks have fed like vultures.
Reduced the nation to carrion,
And rubble our ancient culture.

Mostly illiterate goons and their cartoons,
Through the process of wait and see.
I say haven't we seen enough,
Pray start the face fucking spree.

Cock in and out, force out their clout, 
Do this fucking in a public square. 
Subversion of democracy, nepotistic shit, 
Make them choke on your pubic hair.

A two faced fuck won't easily suck, 
The hardscrabble grimy citizen cock. 
That's when you ram your dick hard, 
Sock their leadership orifice with your rock. 



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