I shit you not, it's so hot,
The sun has lost its mind.
I'll give an arm and leg for a peg,
Or maybe two, and cool off my rind.
Yeah just get drunk and dehydrated,
And then dead from bootleg beat.
Kolkata is renowned for methyl,
And cheap shit that kills like the heat.
Someone said it's the new year's heat,
Like the fresh hooker's diarrhea.
The comfort of fucking that warm ass,
And thinking sodomy a panacea.
The heat is getting hot I can tell,
Fireworks and fires everywhere.
The bells of hell, hello miss smells,
That's Calvin Klein I swear.
My piss is dry, I feel like a fry,
My shit has become fart in this heat.
Too bad the gods are indoors,
Their made up miasma needed a treat.
The ground is hot, the round bengali girls not,
I've stopped looking at their game.
Full of sand their cunts and belligerence,
I pity the ones getting married to them.
I wait for night, for blight,
The rainbow in a spectrum not visible.
It's really all in my mind, heat is not kind,
I see the bubbles in my brain cell.
An overpopulation of mindless folks,
A city of coy for the rotund.
Unplanned stickers of mirth fill the void,
Depravities never run out of fund.