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P950 I have nightmares

I have nightmares 
Terrible scares 
Every night 

It's a scarecrow world 
Out of light, a startling fantasy 
Where people are meaner
Patience is thinner 
Violence is the main thing 

I shit my pants 
Or throw a punch
Depending what it is
Come to me you when it's day
And watch me make you pay

You'll eat my shit 
Till I feel fit
And let you go away 

So mister ghost 
You are toast
Don't comeback to my sack
I need some sleep 
And need it deep
Please remember that

P949 With my name on it

There's a dagger with my name on it
At the crossing where love meets hate
Where waiting is just a game 
Bleeding is just fate

I won't bleed a lot, there isn't a drop saved
Stabbed in the back through my heart 
I'm just tearful gushing gapes

I don't think I'm mad but then
If breath is a sigh of madness 
I'm too tired and too spent to pretend 

I'll walk straight into its blade 
The spiders in vain have spun
Unkindness is not ordinarily made
There isn't anywhere to run


P947 An eagle took my skull

An eagle took my skull 
Now I'm not that fun
I used to be a good bonehead
Now I'm headless, sort of dead

I can't eat much there's no mouth 
I can't see much north or south 
I want my head back I throw a fit
Shoot the eagle if you see it

Without that bone I have no brain 
Wonder how I'm talking to you then?
Maybe I'm a ghost resident in your mind 
Maybe that was your skull, it wasn't mine

P946 To be a bird

It's fucking hard
To be a bird 
We're going extinct 

Humans are next
That is best
Nature does its thing 

If we are gone 
There won't be a song
To sustain 

You will not live 
To breathe or shit
Your pride vain

In a death filled dawn
Two heads conjoin
Dark ominous rover

So stop this shit
Whatever it is
Or die of starving fever 

Your gods are lies
You're too big in size 
Open your eyes dim fools

Once the birds die
In a dark lonely sky
You won't have a place to go

Don't kill us all
Or you will fall
You stupid stupid ape


P944 Skull and Bones

I rest my teeth on my leg bones
Lost the rest in warring zones
I was blown to very small bits
I'm now in many bone kits 
Don't know where the rest are
All in lands weird and far
Where toddlers play and dogs chew
I don't know them, do you?

Oh well what have I got to loose 
Thinking can a skull confuse
Plus I can't see a thing
Half my skull blew in the sting 

We fought hard, we were soldiers brave 
When we came into the cave
It was rigged with mines from the start
All it needed was one smelly fart

Boom boom boom it went
We as smithereens were spent
Flying left and high everywhere 
It was a bloody nightmare 

But on second thought it's alright 
Wasn't a life going anywhere right
Fuck the living life is a bore
Nothing I miss from before


P938 The poop monsters

I see poop
Poop is here,  poop is there
Poop is almost everywhere 
It stares at me, the crinkled eye
It makes me puke when I try to cry 

They're like monsters hideous and yellow 
I swear I saw them glow
Brown sometimes with seeds and nuts
That's my brother's, no ifs and buts

It was the pipe that broke
They are so smelly it's not a joke
It was an overflow I tried to mop
When poop slid from the toilet top

Oh my God, I see them dance
Surely HATE at first glance 
Oh my God, I want to die
I have to clean this (deepest sigh)



P935 Politician

I'm a little brash I know 
I had a heart of gold 
Now the goons come handy
I've gotten quite bold 

It's "how" you say not "what"
Doesn't matter if you're wrong 
Most are fools that listen
And quite headstrong 

The educated are the worst 
But they're very soft
One tight slap and they run
And are easily bossed

You play them like piano keys
If you know what I mean
Use them and forget them
Like a casual sneeze 

We speak of things we never give
We repeat it over and over
The meek are numbers easy to give
One teary speech, and it's over 

We want the infighting 
Stir their gods to war
All you do is loudly lie 
Show them a star

We make sure the gangs are bribed 
Buy the cops, girls and gold
The truth is not what is hyped
When the press is sold

Politics is pretense and play
What happens you can never say
The people vote me in the chair 
Once elected I don't care



P932 Gotta work on the teeth

Gotta work on the teeth they say
But I don't smile that often 
It's the fat that's not there
It's the skin that's gone rotten

But oh well what can you do
That's how it is in Timbuktu 
You know after you're dead 
Ain't a lot you do with the head

But I wear the wig a lot
And the shirt sometimes 
But with a ear you can't see 
Not getting a good pussy 

At least my shit don't stink
Cause I shit no more
And I can breathe a whore in you 
In the mood for more

A haa, scared you off, didn't I
Don't worry I'm just bored 
I talk to the air most times 
With you I've scored







P910 omicron is now born

Omicron is now born 
Homo gods are gone 
Sapiens count your days 
Your selfish ways
But now it'll end, and the world will mend

Just wait and see 
The ignorant knee-jerk spree
Selfish Sapiens fighting fools
The last of its kind in a struggle 
Dying won't be a big haggle 
Sapiens shaved, and the world saved 




P906 Talking skull

I'm a skull totally dull
A foolish mocking mull
I totally suck, the pencil's stuck 
My face is now a fuck
So flies are fine I let them dine
On the fetid rot

I'm a fool caught in my drool
Give me a grave next time
My blood's too salty my life's all faulty 
My asshole isn't mine 

When I had an ass I gargled gas
It was warm and smelled of shit
Now I dream I smell that fart
See the sparks when lit

I have thoughts on thinking 
Plots on sinking stinky bobbing turds 
You plod them with a stick 
You hit them with a whip 
Pull the bastards under

I love this shit
I'm having a fit 
Can't close my jaw that funny 
Come close you miss
Don't look so pissed 
I take no shit no more




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