I'm too old I've been told,
That old needs to be dead to fit.
"Please die of flu, very very thank you,
Dying, again, please consider it.
You're too old to fuck or get fucked,
Why don't you just fuck off.
Disgusting unworthy piece of aging shit,
Spreading hooping cough.
Your cavernous hollow, please follow,
Your bones only fit buried in the soil.
Or I'm sure your pyre will be set on fire,
India sells subsidized kerosene oil.
The world needs cheerful fresh faces,
Not a wretched and crusty king lear.
Change can happen when often,
The likes of you are no longer here.
So go on now, die somehow,
Your wrinkles premonition of doom.
When you go, the seeds you sow,
Future will need the freed up room."