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P2277 A man trapped in time

There once was a man trapped in time, 
Caught in jurassic slime.
The traveler knew he couldn't go back, 
To the present, or to his original time. 

He was stuck in the past, this trip was last, 
Imagine his vex as he met a Rex.
The Rex cooked him alive, with spices five,
His screams futile, the Rex knew only hex.

He pissed his pant, head torn like a plant,
The Rex had him pinned to his plate, 
He thought of his life, as he faced his strife, 
But alas, it was fucked by futile fate.

As his head sat in the pot, boiling hot,
He was feeling fully fucked and forlorn. 
He noticed the Rex turned the heat down, 
He would have to keep boiling on.

Then a stink, makes him think,
He may be a fossil in T Rex shit.
The turds are hard, not like lard,
This hope lit his mood a bit.

So even though he was stuck in the muck,
He tried to remember his good life past.
He decided to make the most, thanked his host,
And breathed his tasty last.

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