The world is full of two heads
Smiling facing innocent
Unbeknownst to you
Is a snake like gent
You'll be fooled by the surface
What's underneath will kill
Sometimes when your back is turned
Hiding the reality is their skill
I've been stabbed
I've been bit
Now I know the world of smiles
Is a hissing venomous pit
It's a selfish world
Most people are bitter reptiles
You're too close to what will bite
Stay away a few miles
It's better to be alone
Because you're still alive
No point scrambling for safety
If you surrender to the hive
Then you be
Just like them
A murderous venomous viper
A coveted corporate gem
Then you'll love the pit
It'll be your home
Sit on the throne, invent mischief
One more snake, but not alone