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P2606 I eat well

From my shit you can tell, I eat well,
I am a wealthy man.
I can always piss, wherever it is,
Simply because I can.

I won the genetic lottery,
And inherited all the wealth.
I've never really done anything,
As reflected in my health.

I have a harem of whores, a score,
They get paid to suck my cock.
They've been trained to do anything,
Shit wearing a pink frock. 

From them the progeny is large, 
My sons are all fat fucks of a selfish breed. 
They are rare assholes with psychopathy, 
I'm so proud of my seeds.

I have a bladder full for ministers,
They drink my urine on demand.
Democratic country in name only,
It's either my fist or hand.

Most people are nitwits, greedy or both.
The religious always in the last.
Any shitty slipshod in the name of god, 
And you have their blessings real fast. 

To rule, the foolish must stay a fool, 
And science is really bad for them. 
The more shit they know, the less shit you can throw, 
A recipe for a rebellion that's lame. 

Promise the fucks a better next life, 
Or some shit with holy smattering. 
Jam a lifetime of penury up their ass, 
Tell them you're their god or something. 

I have a penchant for cuban cigars,
They wake me up from booze.
I carry the jamaican rum with me,
In case I want to snooze.

I stand and shit and count my crypto-coins,
My coffers are overflowing with it.
I'll invest in suvrotica's shitGPT,
To bury this world in shit.

It doesn't hurt to fart or start, 
Genocide of sorts, it can be easily arranged. 
Just point at the superficial or cosmetic, 
Trivially unleash the dogs deranged. 

The future for the poor is either bleak or sick,
I'll ensure that it's dire. 
I have no patience for wiping my ass, 
I'll call for the ministry of desire. 

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