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P2481 Four robbers

There once were four robbers keen, 
Who chose the wrong day for their scheme.
They went to rob a bank, 
But found a long line and they sank.
The bank had run, rage was the theme.

The robbers were starting to fret, 
As they watched each customer they met.
Their plan had gone wrong, 
As they waited so long.
And their patience began to sweat.

But just when they thought they'd go mad,
The fed chief made them glad.
He said, "Why don't you stay, 
We're open all day, 
And you can join our rescue squad!"

The robbers swallowed their sin,
As the FDIC welcomed them in.
They traded their erstwhile fame, 
For teller name.
Now the cops were their kin.

And so they worked at the bank, 
Counting bills as the bank sank.
Their robbing days done,
A new life begun, 
Their names George, Simon, Bluster and Frank.

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