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P2267  I just realized...

You know what I just realized? Personality. That's the key, folks. Personality. It's all about cause and effect, and how we can play a role in the world. Now, I ain't saying we can change the world, but we can certainly have an impact on it. And the way to do that is through our personality.

See, it's all about control and confidence. If we can figure out who we are and what we stand for, we can start steering our lives in the direction we want to go. And the way we do that is through clarity, otherwise we risk getting our turds twisted. Clear communication is key, folks. It's the foundation of trust.

Trust is the invisible, underlying connection between human beings. It's not about relationship or familiarity. It's about who we are and how we project that onto the world. So let's work on our personalities, folks. Let's be clear and confident in who we are, and let's start making a real impact on the world.

And you know what's even more important than personality? Being genuine. That's right, folks. It's easy to put on a show and try to be someone we're not, but it's much harder to be genuine and authentic. And you know what? It's worth it. When we're genuine, we attract the right people into our lives. We build real, meaningful connections.

Now, I'm not saying it's easy. Being genuine takes work. It takes self-awareness and self-reflection. It takes the courage to be vulnerable and to show our true selves to the world. But it's worth it, folks. When we're genuine, we can truly be ourselves and that's when we shine like a polished shoe. 

But you know what's even more important than being genuine? Being kind. That's right, folks. Kindness is the cornerstone of any healthy society. It's the glue that holds us together. When we're kind to each other, we build stronger relationships and create a more positive environment for everyone. No one's special, we are all on this rock floating around a star, in a universe of trillions of galaxies. Just oozing that juice of kindness can really make a difference I tell you.

Now, I'm not saying it's easy to be kind all the time. Life can be tough, and sometimes it's hard to find the kindness within ourselves, especially when we're surrounded by assholes. But it's important to try. A small act of kindness can go a long way in making someone's day a little brighter.

And even more important than being kind is being compassionate. That's right, folks. There's a difference. Compassion is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It's about putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and trying to understand their perspective. And when we're compassionate, we're able to connect with others on a deeper level and build stronger relationships. You really need to feel someone else's kidney stone in your own kidneys, you know what I mean.

Now, again, I'd be daft to say it's easy to be compassionate all the time. We all have our own struggles and it can be difficult to find the capacity to be compassionate towards all the teeth and nail that comes at us. But it's important to try. When we're compassionate, we're able to build bridges and bring people together. A delirious honeymoon. 

But you know what fetches the prize? Being understanding. That's right, folks. Understanding is the practical ability to grasp the meaning, significance, or reason for something that could be hidden behind the ostentatious exteriors. It's about seeing things from different perspectives and trying to make sense of the world around us. And when we're understanding, we're able to connect with others on a deeper level and build stronger relationships.

It's really hard though. We all have our own biases and it can be difficult to see things from someone else's perspective. But it's important to try. When we're understanding, we're able to bridge the gap between people and bring them together on this joy ride. 

And there you have it, folks. Personality, authenticity, kindness, compassion, understanding. These are the building blocks of a happy, healthy life. But you know what trumps all of that? A good sense of humor. That's right, folks. If you can't laugh at yourself and the world around you, well, you're in for a tough ride. I realized this at the dentists' today.

So let's work on being funny, folks. Let's find the humor in every situation and spread a little joy wherever we go. And remember, trust is the foundation of all relationships. So let's build trust by being hilarious and making those around us laugh. I know you don't appreciate my use of words, but I'm a recovering potty mouth. 

Thanks for sticking with me through all that rambling, folks. I know it wasn't easy, but I appreciate you hanging in there. Anyway, I'll catch you all later. Maybe tomorrow, maybe sometime, somewhere else, in a public lavatory perhaps, or when we are museum displays. But I'm sure our paths will cross again. Until then, take care!

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