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P2124 My body dysmorphia is bad

My body dysmorphia is bad, I'm going mad,
My tongue looks like a penis I fear.
What's that monster in my asshole, a soul, 
With a hand to box my ear.

I am a cripple, in all sorts of hell,
Why does my shit always hit the fan.
I'll stop shitting from now, any fucking how, 
Or always sit on the pooping can.

My hands like fin, my limbs thin, 
Don't know fingers from fucking toe. 
My balls are where my tonsils should be,
A pointer for a future ho.

What the fuck, how I suck, 
A pathetic life on the dole. 
If I was balanced on a leg, in a keg,
Of beer I'd drown the soul in my asshole.

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