It's really a mental struggle, this life,
It didn't turnout like a fairy tale.
The fairy in fact fucked my ass,
And left me howling in the gale.
Then the monsters came, game to them,
Took turns to gape my asshole wide.
Now the shit plops without effort,
Nothing to hold it back inside.
I give you an ant, her cunt I can't,
I know you want a piece of that fairy queen.
But I'm too weak, just an old freak,
Now jaded of the life I've seen.
Age is a curse, death doesn't disburse,
And I'm caught in this uncomfortable snare.
Maybe when you're stronger your bite,
Will do more than thin my remaining hair.
I'm so hoping that your poison will kill,
I badly want to die.
There's nothing in this cruel selfish world,
Nothing else I'd rather try.