I think I ate a man
Well you can't blame me
I'm not clever when I'm famished
Maybe I didn't see
They say he was screaming
My hearing hasn't been well
I'm blind because of diabetes
I didn't see him yell
Oh well he was a poor guy
I'm worried about his poop
Imagine the level of impurities
I'll be careful with my soup
Being a rich man,
I'll surely donate ..
I left the jar of change at home
So it'll have to wait
Plus what's the big deal
There are billions out there
Accidents are just part of life
You can't live in fear
I'm just worried about reactions
You know the status gap
I'll try to flush him out
By eating something crap
A full night of diarrhea should do
I don't like the vomiting
Once clean I'll come back
Hope you have more like him