My mind wanders through shapes
It conjures creatures square or round
I walk through the expanse of infinity
I toddle spellbound
What I see
Words are powerless
What I cannot see
Is an easier confess
Through the glasses I imagine with
I try to capture the delight
The delicate balance of light and dark
Segue from ecstasy to fright
If an orange was just its color
A butterfly could aspire
Rainbows on bubbles
Could set the sky on fire
Art should evoke emotions
Push you to the brink
Everything else you can get
Won't make you think
I find that people like consensus
They'd rather not think
They'll clap away if a nod
Is endorsed by a pimp
And money can't be all its weight
Surely a square peg here
You can't fit that in this hole
No matter what your gear