Layers and layers of mind
Our evolutionary behind
Not simple but quite hard
To understand that capricious lizard
When you think, there's many
Many minds, not just a few
They vote, and if there aren't any
The lizard decides for you
It's hard to tell who is what
An orchestra of shifting tunes
Many cooks in the kitchen hut
Simmering broth and frothy fumes
I like to think I am I
But that's a trick you know
So I'd like to fly like birds fly
And grow into a different flow
I want to have skin of light
Eyes that see beyond its limited sight
I want to think wide-eyed
Eat the carbon, breathe the oxide
If you think I'm mad
Just wait, just wait
There are things beyond our dreams
That'll reshape reality where more and more
Life's not going to be like before