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M116 I brush hard

𝙸 𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍

I brush hard with shit, my turd,
I don't let the smell dissuade me.
That way when I speak it's a fart,
Key ingredient for sanguine glee.

New discovery when I puke, 
The retching brings up my past. 
Once a young boy with teeth, 
I'm losing the shits fast. 

My toupee or cap I wash not, 
I have crusty critters to house. 
I saw a cat chase a rat in my hat, 
A mouse with a fat leery spouse. 

I improve crowd impoverishment, 
A tact that's shorn of facts.
I use my other hole, my asshole,
For larger and nefarious acts.

Holy I am, a fat bengali kilogram,
My shit I've splattered across the seas.
I know my advantage are my pinworms,
The loony lice, ticks and pubic fleas.

I make the grounds hallow as a fellow,
Of the homo hemlock race of men.
My turds I use to plaster the walls,
Art of  pissing zen, I pen quite often. 

The books I read all goodly pious, 
So totally into religious neo-rattle. 
Pages full of blabbering bullshit I read, 
Tattletale drivel, holy pernicious prattle. 

From these I learn, from shit you earn, 
Just center your asshole on a yap. 
Let the tenacity in a turd land, 
Verily sing the larcenous rap. 

Thirteen men on a dead man's face, 
Yo ho ho and a bottle of piss. 
Bacterial infections are your kin, 
Can't miss god's fermented kiss. 

"Tell me fair why on ass so much hair?" 
When god asks you in a speech. 
He hasn't seen the crack in depth, 
Not hair but some kind of leech. 

Shitty shitty fuck his anus quickly suck, 
Be a good man I always think. 
I think many thoughts brushing my teeth, 
With a winking asshole fart more stink. 

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